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The Impact of Coffee with Lemon on Weight Loss: Expert Analysis and Recommendations

“Skipping meals in favor of coffee can contribute to greater hunger and subsequent overeating,” adds Mascha Davis.

“Excessive caffeine intake also results in dehydration and poor quality sleep,” says the expert. “If you combine your morning cup of coffee (with or without lemon) with a healthy breakfast, coffee can help you lose weight,” says Keri Gans, author of The Small Change Diet.

What is the final impact of coffee with lemon on weight

Unfortunately, experts say, the answer is negative. “It’s highly unlikely that this drink will be the magic solution to weight loss,” points out Davis.

Indeed, it provides a boost of vitamin C and some energy from the caffeine, but ultimately it is not a magic drink for weight loss,” explains the nutritionist.

If you still really want to include coffee with lemon in your diet, don’t forget to follow all the principles that combine a healthy diet with lots of physical exercise, experts conclude.

Although it doesn’t directly help with weight loss, coffee with lemon can be helpful in the larger context of an intensive weight loss program.

You can lose weight with coffee, but only in the short term

Coffee is also diuretic. This means that the amount of urine will increase. According to the Mayo Clinicdiuretics reduce the accumulation of fluids in the body.

This can result in temporary or short-term weight loss. The reason is that urination reduces the weight of water in the body.

Coffee has additional health benefits, including protection against type 2 diabetes, a lower risk of cancer, heart failure, and a significant reduction in the risk of death from chronic liver disease.

Lemon water does not help you lose weight

Unfortunately, eating lemons alone will never result in weight loss. Casey Kelley, founder and medical director of Case Integrative Health, believes that adding lemon slices to water can promote adequate hydration.

This way you have a tasty drink with a low calorie content. “Hydration is key to weight loss and weight management,” says Dr. Kelley.

“Many people who can’t drink enough water find that lemon water tastes better and helps them stay hydrated. Although lemon water is part of a healthy routine, it will not lead to weight loss,” adds the expert. But citrus fruits offer other notable benefits, such as vitamin C.

“One lemon provides 51% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C, an important nutrient for immune health,” says Mascha Davis.

Lemons are not a magic fat-burning food, but they are low in calories. “This makes them a great choice for adding flavor to various dishes or drinks without added sugars, salt or fat,” adds Kelley.

What is the role of an optimal level of vitamin C?

Another relevant aspect is the high level of antioxidants in vitamin C in lemons. It can help with exercise-related oxidative stress and inflammation, potentially preventing weight gain, says Amy Lee.

A recent study found that people with optimal vitamin C levels oxidized 30% more fat during exercise than those with lower levels.

Likewise, citrus juice can improve certain body functions. In addition, lemon juice is useful in digestive problems, the sour taste stimulates the production of bile and gastric juices.

2023-11-10 04:47:52
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