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The Impact of American Tourists on the Olympics: Security Reassurance and Revenue Growth

American tourists are the main customers for the Olympics.

Minister of State for Tourism Olivia Gregoire is going to New York this week specifically to reassure American tourists about security in Paris during the Olympic Games, his office told the media on Monday. “American customers today represent the second international customers who bought tickets for the Olympic Games. So the minister will send a message to reassure American customers during the period this, especially in terms of security. detailed consultant.

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“The aim is also to promote the French destination more widely as a whole to encourage American tourists to visit our many regions in light of the anniversary of the Normandy landings.”he added.

According to figures announced by the cabinet, air travelers from the United States are up 45% for the Olympic period and out of the 2.2 million tickets bought abroad for the Olympics16% were by Americans, the second international client after the British.

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In 2023, American customers generated more than 6.2 billion euros in revenue in France, or 10% of total international revenue, a dynamic that will continue in 2024, from the same source. Olivia Grégoire, who travels to New York from Wednesday to Friday, will also promote French knowledge in the gastronomy, arts and crafts and fashion sectors.

The government must announce a support plan for the fashion and clothing industry before this summer and there will be a trip to New York “The chance to update future ads”with discussions focusing on sustainable fashion.

2024-05-13 13:31:00
#Paris #Tourism #Minister #visit #York #reassure #American #tourists #security #Olympics

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