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The Houthis ask the EU “not to play with fire” before the announcement of their naval operation in the Red Sea

File image of a US ship in front of a ship with Iranian weapons bound for Yemen territory controlled by the Houthis – Europa Press/Contact/US Central Command/Us Navy


The Yemeni Houthi rebels have asked the European Union “not to play with fire” as they announce the launch of their new naval operation, ‘Aspides’, to escort merchant ships and repel attacks in the Red Sea, amid growing concerns about disruptions. to maritime trade.

The president of the Revolutionary Committee of the rebels – the interim government established by the Houthis -, Mohamed Ali al Huti, has considered that “their presence increases the militarization of the sea”, while “international navigation is safe”, as he told through his profile on the social network X, formerly known as Twitter.

«For Europeans, do not play with fire. Learn the lesson from the United Kingdom. “You do not need the support of the American devil to protect the occupying entity (Israel) to practice the extermination of the population of Gaza without discomfort,” he indicated before stating that militarization “affects the food supply chains of stores.” of the countries involved.

Likewise, he added that “any foolishness” will make the ships involved “go crazy”: “He who warns is not a traitor,” concluded the president of the Revolutionary Committee.

The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, indicated hours earlier that she “welcomed the decision to launch the naval operation ‘Aspides’. “Europe will guarantee freedom of navigation in the Red Sea, working hand in hand with international partners.”

The EU Council has confirmed the launch of the mission, which is expected to be operational within weeks. «It will contribute to safeguarding maritime security and guaranteeing freedom of navigation, especially for merchant and commercial ships. Within its defensive mandate, the operation will provide knowledge of the maritime situation, accompany ships and protect them against possible attacks at sea,” he noted.

The operation baptized as ‘Aspides’, in reference to the Greek term for shield, will have four naval resources provided by Germany, Greece, Italy and France, while in future rotations Belgium has made a frigate available, diplomatic sources explain to Europa Press . Its range will be from the Strait of Bab el Mandeb to the Strait of Hormuz and its ships will monitor the international waters of the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf.

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– 2024-05-12 00:44:59

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