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The Hidden Heritage: Exploring the Mixed Ancestry of Musician Philip Kirkorov

The musician is not entirely honest with the fans.

Philip Kirkorov never hid that he spent his childhood in Bulgaria, and his father Bedros Kirkorov was Armenian by origin. In fact, the artist’s pedigree is much more extensive than he tells the public.

As it turned out, the mother of the artist Victoria Likhacheva-Manion came from a Jewish family. And her mother Lydia was a famous circus performer and also had gypsy roots. Thus, not only Caucasian blood flows in the musician, but also Jewish and even Gypsy.

However, Kirkorov does not seek to talk about his family. The artist has repeatedly admitted that he cannot reveal the whole truth to the public and even call himself an Armenian, because for many years he claimed that he was Bulgarian. And therefore forced to hide his ancestry.

“I can’t say now that I am Armenian. Because for many years he said that he was Bulgarian. What will people say? – the musician argued in an interview.

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