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The head of the Kolyma regional hospital spoke about the death of a doctor from coronavirus, about lung damage and explained the increase in mortality

Yesterday, 28 January

Chief physician of the regional hospital Sergei Timofeev in exclusive interview “Very” talked about how the coronavirus epidemic in Magadan is going on.

In particular, he explained the increase in mortality (19 people had already died in 2021) by the fact that the number of cases when the coronavirus is difficult has increased.

“If we recall April-May last year, there were quite a few patients with a mild form of the disease. But we began to note that with the development of the epidemic, a lot of severe forms appeared. Moreover, there are even the disease began to develop malignantly.

Of those patients you mentioned, half were over 75 and 80 years old; people, unfortunately, had a bunch of concomitant pathologies. The main health problems in such patients: hypertension, diabetes mellitus, are just a disaster.

Moreover, we noticed that the patient may have latent diabetes mellitus, a latent form. But the coronavirus contributes to the manifestation, all hidden forms come out. Many patients don’t even know they have sugar problems. In addition, a severe form of the disease is observed in obesity, especially grade 3-4. And chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, especially in smokers, also contribute to the severe form of the disease. “– explained the head physician.

Sergei Timofeev spoke about the loss suffered by the hospital: the deputy chief physician Karim Suleimanov died.

“Unfortunately, during the New Year holidays we lost our employee Karim Karimovich Suleimanov, the deputy chief physician for medical equipment. He fought the coronavirus infection since December. The hospital staff did everything they could. conducted non-invasive ventilation of the lungs, then invasive. And now, unfortunately, we have lost our dear colleague “, – said Sergey Timofeev.

During the interview, the chief physician noted that he considers it the duty of the health worker to be vaccinated against coronavirus, since this step protects not only the employee himself, but also the patients. And he said that he was vaccinated himself, and even checked the work of the vaccine – after close contact with employees who were sick with coronavirus, he did not become infected.

He said that in some cases, even with 100% lung damage, a person can breathe normally and practically not experience any discomfort. However, this is rare. There are more cases when, after an illness, connective tissue is formed in a person’s lungs, due to which, even with recovery, breathing difficulties arise, and this seriously affects the future life.

See the full video interview below.


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