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The Harmful Effects of Alcohol: Insights from Psychiatrist Michel Evens

“Alcohol is a drug that is not at all harmless,” says psychiatrist Michel Evens

“We are indeed seeing declining figures for threats to psychosocial well-being – including verbal threats. The spread of working from home and teleworking is one possible explanation. If there are fewer physical contact between colleagues in the workplace, it is quite logical that the probability of experiencing unpleasant situations such as verbal and physical threats, or even physical attacks, also decreases?”, analyzes Marco Vandamme, expert in psychosocial well-being at Liantis.

In 2022, 7% of men reported physical threats, compared to 3.5% of women. According to the external prevention service, it is difficult to immediately pinpoint the exact cause of these differences, because several factors come into play. It also appears that verbal threats are more often reported by men.

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However, we very rarely come to real violence. In 2022, 1.99% of workers reported having been subjected to physical violence at work.

Employees who are confronted with violence or threats must therefore benefit from adequate support, recommends Liantis. It is therefore important that they can talk about it to a team leader and, if necessary, to a trusted person or to the prevention advisor.

It also goes without saying that attackers must answer for their inappropriate behavior at work, concludes the external prevention service.

2023-12-17 20:24:17
#Wellbeing #work #twenty #workers #faced #physical #threats

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