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The Golkar Party is Called to Have More Opportunities to Join the KPP than the KKIR, Observer: Maybe to NasDem

WARTAKOTALIVE.COM – It is known that the Golkar Party is considered more likely to join the Coalition for Change for Unity (KPP).

Where the KPP is fronted by the NasDem Party, PKS, and the Democratic Party.

This is much better than the Golkar Party joining the Greater Indonesia Awakening Coalition (KKIR) which is carried out by the Gerindra Party and the National Awakening Party (PKB).

The statement was made by political observer Ali Rif’an.

Also read: Is the Golkar Party Called a Chance to Leave KIB and Leave PAN and PPP?

Also read: Coalition of Political Parties Still Fluid, Golkar Party Still Insisting on Airlangga Hartarto as a Presidential Candidate in the 2024 Presidential Election

Also read: Jusuf Kalla Invites the Golkar Party to Join Support Anies Baswedan in the 2024 Presidential Election, PAN: Invites Us to be Normal

According to him, the interests of the Golkar Party in supporting Golkar Party Chairperson Airlangga Hartarto to participate in the 2024 presidential election contest would be more accommodated if he joined the KPP.

“If you look at the last meeting, there is a tendency towards NasDem. Because Anies Baswedan’s cawapres position is still vacant, Prabowo’s cawapres position seems to have been filled by Cak Imin, even though it’s not final, right?”

“But Cak Imin has been very aggressive in wanting to be Prabowo’s vice presidential candidate. So from that point of view there is the possibility of going to Nasdem,” Ali said when contacted by journalists, Wednesday (29/3/2024).

The Executive Director of Arus Survei Indonesia also said that if Golkar joined the Coalition for Change, the coalition that carried Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate would also benefit.

He assessed that the Coalition for Change would receive certainty with the existence of Golkar, considering that until today even though they had declared an official coalition.

However, the tug-of-war of interests between Nasdem-Democrat-PKS regarding the vice presidential candidate has allegedly made this coalition uncertain.

“If there is a possible position there, there is certainty because there is a possibility that the Coalition for Change will announce the presidential cawapres candidates earlier.”

“Then, there is already a presidential candidate. Because there is already a presidential candidate, it means that Airlangga’s position is as vice presidential candidate. Meanwhile for KIB, there are no presidential and vice presidential candidates yet”

“Say the presidential candidate that Ganjar is talking about, but after all, Ganjar is a PDIP party cadre, and until now there is no certainty when Mrs. Mega will announce her presidential candidate,” said Ali.

Ali suggested that a grand coalition between the Golkar Party, the Nasdem Party, the Democrat Party and PKS be formed soon.

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