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The former priest from Mercato San Severino dreams of the tricolor sash

Antonio Romano he keeps his promise and runs for office. The former parish priest originally from San Severino market he will be the incumbent’s challenger Carmine De Angelis a Chiusano San Domenico, in the Avellino area. He will run with a slate of seven aspiring city councilors called “Liberation”.

Only a few months ago Romano announced his desire “hang up” the cassock for the love of a woman he intended to marry. Then surprisingly he expressed his desire to enter the political arena to attempt the race for the tricolor armband. «We want to free Chiusano and perhaps even Italy from a certain way of doing and considering politics. When I announced my candidacy I urged my fellow citizens to experience this electoral campaign period with maturity, fairness and loyalty, respecting people and their choices. Unfortunately I noted, with regret, that these requests were disregarded – explained Romano -. They tried to scorch earth around me with boycotts, pressure, warnings, insults, flattery and promises of all kinds. Now that the list is in the public domain, you will surely notice the presence of four candidates who are not resident in our country. Unfortunately, many people from Chiusa, despite supporting our initiative, did not want to expose themselves, for reasons you can imagine».

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– 2024-05-14 01:55:36

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