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The first patriotic single from Princess Maria Gabriela of Orléans-Braganza

The granddaughter of the Brazilian pretender to the throne releases her first single. Princess Maria Gabriela of Orléans-Braganza, daughter of Prince Antonio, unveils a patriotic song, published on the occasion of the bicentenary of Brazilian independence. The Terra de Santa Cruz song pays tribute to the faith and patriotism of the Brazilians.

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Maria Gabriela of Orléans-Braganza publishes a song for the bicentenary of Brazilian independence

Princess Maria Gabriela of Orléans-Braganza, descendant of Emperor Peter II and granddaughter of Prince Bertrand, current head of the Imperial House of Brazil, has already delighted Internet users by sharing videos in which she sings song covers accompanying herself on the guitar. The 33-year-old takes a new step by releasing her first professionally recorded single.

Princess Maria Gabriela of Orléans-Braganza, daughter and sister of the future heads of the Imperial Family, releases the single Terra de Santa Cruz (Photo: screenshot from the YouTube video)

The Terra de Santa Cruz song is composed by the vice president of the Historical and Geographical Institute of Sao Paulo, Malcolm Dale Kigar. “This is Princess Maria Gabriela’s first professional job as a singer”, explains the secretariat of the Imperial House. The song was released at the end of October on platforms such as Spotify, on the occasion of the bicentenary of Brazilian independence.

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“Terra de Santa Cruz” of a descendant of Peter II of Brazil

Terra de Santa Cruz tells the story of the discovery of Brazil and refers to the name given to the land discovered by Perdo Alvares Cabral in April 1500 when he was thinking of going to India. “Life, hope and peace. 200 years of love. Long live the homeland of Brazil, Of golden splendor, Long live the Land of Santa Cruz “sings the princess in her patriotic song.

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The secretariat of the Imperial House remembers that the princess, with an absolute tone, joined the Petrópolis Choir of Little Singers for the first time as a child. After completing the university course in social communication at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, she joined the establishment choir. Today, “In his spare time he usually goes to hospitals, where he sings for the sick”.

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Nicola Fontaine

Chief Editor

Nicolas Fontaine has been a freelance web editor since 2014. After being a copywriter and author for numerous Belgian and French brands and media, he specialized in copyright news. Nicolas is now managing editor of Histoires Royales. [email protected]

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