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The fire at the ammunition depot in Bílina is extinguished, firefighters will guard the place overnight Home

Bílina (Teplice) An ammunition depot exploded in Bílina na Teplicku in the afternoon, according to the police, there are no casualties and no one was injured. Firefighters put out the fire after four hours, they will guard the place overnight. Ondřej Moravčík, a spokesman for the police presidium, and Milan Rudolf, a spokesman for the regional fire brigade, said this. There were ten fire brigades with fourteen vehicles on site.


The explosions began to sound from the warehouse in the Chudeřice area, which is leased by the Pyrotechnic Service of the Police of the Czech Republic to store ammunition, shortly before 1 p.m. The Minister of the Interior, Jan Hamáček (ČSSD), said that the fire and the subsequent explosion concerned an ammunition cell measuring 3×3 meters, and the wood around it had ignited since the explosion.

“The General Inspectorate of Security Forces took over the investigation of the circumstances of the cause of the fire,” Moravčík said on a police twitter. According to him, the search for the place continues, the building is closed and the police will continue to guard it.

In Bílina na Teplicku, ammunition explodes in a police warehouse

The explosion was much smaller than the event in Vrbětice in 2014. Bílina Mayor Zuzana Schwarz Bařtipánová (YES) told ČTK on Tuesday that the city had no news about the existence of an ammunition depot.

“The building where it happened was approved as an ammunition depot, that is, representatives of the city also took part in the approval process,” Hamáček told ČTK in the evening. He added that the police have the warehouse leased from Mostecká uhelná. “If the mayor says she did not know about it, then her officials probably did not pass on information to her at some point,” the minister said. Asked by ČTK how many similar police warehouses he has in the republic, Hamáček replied that he was not authorized to provide such information.

The Minister of the Interior told Radio Impuls that there were explosives from the discharged ammunition in the warehouse. There was about 150 kilograms of explosives in the cell where it was burning. The wreckage flew to a distance of about 300 meters. The police are investigating the incident as an ammunition burn. “It could be self-ignition in theory, but we’re at the beginning. Nothing can be ruled out at this stage, “said Hamáček. According to him, ammunition depots in the Czech Republic are well secured.

Evacuation of people within 500 meters of the fire was ordered. In the end, the evacuation of people from the Teplice suburbs and the street of the Czechoslovak Army was not necessary. Traffic at the entrance to Bílina in the direction from Teplice is limited. Long columns form in the surroundings. The detour route leads through Kostomlaty or Braňany. The closure of the area will probably take until the evening, Bílina’s representatives said on a Facebook profile.

The production plant in Chudeřice has, among others, the AGC Automotive Czech glassworks. “This was not affected by the event, it is produced without any restrictions,” said company spokesman Martin Jonáš. 65 people had to be evacuated from a secluded workplace. “We were forced to stop production at this workplace. We are now waiting for more information from the rescue services. Restrictions on production will not affect the continuity of our deliveries to customers, “said Jonas.


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