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The FIQ ratifies an agreement including wages and working conditions

(Montreal) The Interprofessional Health Federation of Quebec (FIQ) announced Tuesday evening that it had reached an agreement on a comprehensive settlement with the Legault government, which includes both the issue of wages and working conditions.

Henri Ouellette-Vézina

Henri Ouellette-Vézina

“The delegates from the FIQ and the FIQP have just ratified a general agreement in principle with the government. Now, the delegates are ready to move forward in order to present it to the members ”, indeed rejoiced the organization on its Twitter account, at the end of a virtual national council which was held during the evening. Tuesday.

In Quebec, the FIQ represents 76,000 nurses, nursing assistants and respiratory therapists, which makes up the vast majority of healthcare professionals in Quebec. This time, the agreement includes not only working conditions, such as the creation of jobs and overtime, but also wages and regional disparities, was able to confirm Press.

However, there are still steps to be taken. Now that the delegates have ratified it, the proposal for a global agreement will have to be submitted to the members, who will have to vote in the coming weeks.

Last week, saying they were “exasperated at not being heard or taken seriously by the government”, the healthcare professionals of the FIQ held a rally in front of the National Assembly. “They are tired of their professions not being more valued and paid for their cutting-edge expertise and level of professional responsibility. They are more than tired of the omerta that keeps them from speaking out about unsafe practices for their patients. They are calling for immediate action to put an end to the dangerous practice of compulsory overtime, ”then hammered the president of the group, Nancy Bédard, in a press release.

On Twitter, the President of the Treasury Board, Sonia LeBel, said she was delighted with the conclusion of this agreement, stressing in passing the involvement of the Minister of Health, Christian Dubé, in this file. “Let us look forward and work together to modernize our network, for the benefit of the population,” said Mr.me LeBel.

For its part, the Alliance of professional and technical personnel in health and social services (APTS), which brings together 60,000 members of the public sector, welcomed this new agreement, while calling the authorities to account.

“Now the government must respond to our requests, especially for youth centers. Otherwise, our 60,000 members will be on strike on June 21-22, ”the association said.

With The Canadian Press

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