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The Financial Police seizes 500 thousand counterfeit items

I’m beyond that 500 thousand counterfeit and/or unsafe items seized between 16 and 18 April by the Provincial Command of the Guardia di Finanza of Napoli, between the Neapolitan capital and the metropolitan area, during the economic control activities of the territory. At the end of 25 interventions, 19 subjects were reported to the local Chamber of Commerce for administrative violations while 7 were reported to the competent judicial authorities, in various capacities, for the crimes of commercial fraud and receiving stolen goods. The seized items are mostly clothing, footwear and toys, household products and beauty accessories or costume jewellery.

In particular, the financiers of the Group of Nolaas part of distinct interventions between Mariglianella, Saint Joseph Vesuvian e San Paolo Belsito, they seized a total of over 290,000 pieces, as well as over 190,000 meters of fabric and elastic fiber used to make clothing. At the end of the operations, 2 people were reported to the local Chamber of Commerce and another 2 referred to the competent AG.

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The Fiamme Gialle of the I Gruppo Napoli, during various services carried out in the historic center of Naples as well as in Ischia and Herculaneum, seized over 160,000 accessories from individual businesses and abusive activities. 7 perpetrators were reported to the competent authorities, 5 administratively and 2 for criminal cases. The checks carried out by the soldiers of the II Napoli Group, Frattamaggiore, Giugliano in Campania e Torre Annunziataalso concerned the city port area as well as the municipalities north of Naples and the Flegrea and Stabiese areas, such as Mount of Procida e Sorrento. At the end of the interventions, approximately 50,000 pieces were seized, with the consequent administrative reporting of 12 subjects and the reporting of a further 3 to the Judicial Authorities.

#Financial #Police #seizes #thousand #counterfeit #items
– 2024-04-25 02:00:44

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