Home » today » Business » The fathers and mothers of Isabel La Católica take to the streets again | Gift

The fathers and mothers of Isabel La Católica take to the streets again | Gift

The line

The parents of the students of the early childhood education course at the “Isabel La Católica” public school, in La Línea, have decided to return to the office to find solutions to the problem their children have suffered from.

Before 14:00, when the children will leave the building where they attend classes to go to the other building where they will receive canteen service, the parents – protected by the AMPA – will demonstrate and protest once again against the decision of the Ministry of Public Instruction of the Junta de Andalucía did not offer a solution to the request of those affected, to build a second dining room.

The children, whose age ranges from 3 to 5 years old, are forced to cross a road to go to the school canteen, for which the teachers use a rope to which the children tie themselves, to find some safety. Added to this is that last week the children ran under the rains that fell in the area and without the cover of local police officers, as pointed out by Patria Conejero, one of the mothers affected.

Last week the director of the center held a meeting with the heads of the territorial health delegation, given that it is the Council that forbids the use of the center’s dining room but, for the moment, there is no news on the matter, therefore the Children must keep going to a different building than where they attend classes. Faced with this situation, the Student Parents’ Association does not rule out recourse to the Andalusian ombudsman.

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