Home » today » Entertainment » The family of the late Tom Chaos from “Dirty Scammers” named the names of those responsible for his suicide The Koz Telegram

The family of the late Tom Chaos from “Dirty Scammers” named the names of those responsible for his suicide The Koz Telegram

The 50-year-old actor committed suicide, leaving a suicide note…

Relatives of the singer named those involved by name / Photo: open sources

Yesterday we wrote about ex-soloist of the group “Inveterate scammers” committed suicide. Today there was information from the relatives of the deceased: they named those responsible for his death.

On the Instagram page of Tom Chaos (Vyacheslav Zinurov – the real name of the artist – ed.), his family published an appeal, calling everyone by name who they blame for the suicide of the ex-soloist of “Inveterate swindlers”.

screenshot from instagram tom chaos

The official cause of the artist’s death will be announced soon. It is not known whether the persons named by the family will be held accountable.

screenshot from instagram tom chaos

Recall that Tom Chaos became known as the lead singer of the popular group “Inveterate Scammers”, which was founded in 1996. Its participants were Tom Chaos, Sergey Amoralov and Garik Bogomazov, and the legendary Evgeny Orlov acted as a producer. Tom Chaos left the band in August 2021 due to financial disputes. According to him, Sergei Amoralov deceived him and owed a large amount – they hid a significant part of the fees for performances.

It also became known today that Rustam Ibragimbekov died – Screenwriter of “White Sun of the Desert” and playwright.

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