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The Enigmatic Life of Mina: What Happened to the Italian Singer?

Mina’s fans have wondered what happened to her over the years. The singer retired and now leads a lifestyle that no one would have ever imagined

Everyone agrees that Mina is one of the best singers in the Italian music scene with his fantastic voice and performances that are nothing short of phenomenal. Even today she is a source of inspiration, as there are various limitations made in some television programs. Just mention it Such and Such Show Of Carlo Conti.

Someone is even able to face this arduous undertaking, but one thing is certain: no one will ever be able to compete with a giant of Italian music like her. Over the course of her career she has launched various musical pieces that still enjoy great success.

In the infinite list we can mention Again, my love, The sky in a room, You exploded inside my heart, If by calling, Words words, But how good and so much more.

Nicknamed the Tiger of Cremona, critics claim that she is endowed with a warm and characteristic timbre, great breadth and extension, phenomenal technique in dealing with different musical genres. From 1958 until today she has never stopped making music, but now it has disappeared from circulation. Where have you been? The immediate response.

Curiosities about Mina’s love life

Mina’s private life aroused curiosity just like her career. In 1962 he met her Corrado Pani who made Massimiliano’s father. After him he had the composer by his side Augusto Martelliwith whom he lived for several years.

In 1970 he met the journalist Virgilio Crocco whom he married in the same year, but they later separated. Since then love was born in Benedetta. Afterwards she dated Alfredo Cerrutia Neapolitan record company, for three years. In 1966 he left Italy to go to Switzerland. What do you do there and where do you live? Here are all the details.

Old shot – Romait.it

Here is the daily life of the inimitable singer

The choice to move away from the world of Italian entertainment was dictated by the need to unplug. Popularity will probably have had a strong impact on his life to such an extent to decide to retire and spend everyday life away from the cameras.

In fact, it is not possible to know anything about his home in Lugano because he is reluctant to share shots of it. The more curious browsing the web found just a few photos of his home, but only from the outside. Despite everything, Mina never stopped to dedicate himself to his greatest passionor music.

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2023-12-09 20:35:05
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