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The Dream and its Shabro: The Israel Prize also belongs to the interview with Eyal Waldman

Waldman is the fulfillment of all the normative dreams, of the mischievous boy who has potential, who took him to hear concerts to introduce him to a bit of “culture”, but he preferred to hang out with the girl in the neighborhood, who went to fight in the army because that’s what was expected of a normative young man with a combat profile, who went to university Because it is not possible for a child from the middle class without at least a bachelor’s degree. Waldman is the neighbor who yelled at you not to make any noise between two and four, about which your mother will tell you, doubt updates doubt scolds: ‘Remember the one who studied two years above you? You won’t believe how much money he makes!’ In a world where successful and rich people try more than anything to adapt to themselves manners of austere simplicity, which only increase the alienation from their surroundings, Waldman is truly at eye level.

It took him a while to realize that he was rich, it took him even longer to start properly enjoying the exits he made (Galileo and Melanox), but since he started he is not ashamed. He doesn’t poke his eyes, but lives the good life: surfing, diving, skiing, good food and a small drink on the side, loves people, loves women (and talks about the subject openly, including that when he falls in love he becomes blind, which has almost cost him multi).

The thing with Voldman is that as much as he is the fulfillment of the Achus’li dream (Ashkenazi, secular, veteran, socialist and nationalist), it is also his nightmare: here, who will say, what is all the money in the world worth when the bereavement hits right in the heart, of his young daughter, the one who was already born into The big money and especially into more quality time with her father.

It breaks the heart of every parent, of every father (and maybe especially of fathers who have old sons or daughters, chapter A or chapter B, who are to some extent also a form of correction for everything you didn’t understand or didn’t allow yourself young pain) , but believe it or not – that’s really not all. Because with all due respect to the priority of personal grief, there is also Israeli-national heartbreak here.

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