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The devastating economic landscape that stops the virus | Radio Galicia

More than 50 percent of the productive structure of galicia is paralyzed. It is something never seen, the coronavirus leaves a scenario that can only compare to that of a military conflict, and opens up a scenario unprecedented and very worrying. It says here in the BE the professor and chairman of the economic forum of Galicia, Santiago Lake, which considers that after this pandemic, it will be necessary to rethink the production system.

But, before that, most immediately, is to inject liquidity. Considers that the central government should strengthen social dialogue and to listen to all parties. To inject liquidity, considered a key role of the councils, believes they should defer until the end of the year the collection of taxes such as the IBI. Lake also believes that Europe should have a key role in the recovery of this crisis.

The coronavirus has strained the health care system, the priority now is to tackle the pandemic, but there are obvious economic consequences that will have these weeks of confinement and stoppage of the enterprise activity. In Galicia, more than 200,000 workers are affected by a FATE.

A figure that increases every day. The entrepreneurs consider insufficient the measures of the government and warn: the consequences of the pandemic will be far more drastic than the crisis of 200 Expect Europe to take note and act.

The unions are also aware of that touches a tough battle to defend the rights of workers

The big companies try to weather the storm

They have a greater capacity of resistance, but they also see jeopardize their balance of accounts. Some, like Alcoa, have managed to be considered as an essential service and have not had to cripple their production.

But in an economic scenario is uncertain, so is the future of a plant under threat of closure for months. While, Citróen, the plant vigo, has applied a STRONG and prepares another until the end of the year to avoid layoffs.

And what happens with the sector of the metal?

A sector which employs 60,000 people in Galicia and represents 20 percent of the Gross domestic Product of the community. See with concern the future. Even they have broken contract negotiations were very advanced.

We must not lose sight of the naval sector, he came out very weighed down of the previous crisis, and gets touched to face new shocks.

Trade and tourism are facing an unprecedented crisis

The commercial sector given the fact that this year they will be forced to take the closure of hundreds of businesses.

In terms of tourism, with the campaign of Holy Week loss, and a summer with no big festivals or cultural events, the sector is already thinking about next year, is a year Xacobeo in Galicia, since this is a black year. Just as it is for the hospitality industry.

In the primary sector, a bittersweet taste

Because it is a sector that has been able to maintain the activity, but have seen it as part of their production, destined to the hospitality industry, has been left without a to sell. Farmers and ranchers report that there has been a decrease of prices due to unfair competition from surplus production in other countries such as France or Germany.

And the fisheries sector, which, only in Galicia, 40.000 direct jobs, faces a situation unworkable with a sharp fall of prices, and with the shellfishing stopped because no one buys it because with the restoration closed.

And lets not forget about the self-employed

In Galicia there is 209.000 own-account workers. Entrepreneurs that, in many cases, they are unable to cope with the bills with their business closed. The government has taken measures to try to soften the impact of the crisis, measures that the collective values, but fall short to the extent of the crisis left by the coronavirus. And is that the UN has already said that the world is facing the worst crisis since the Second World War.

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