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“The Dark Side of Horse Racing: Industry Safety Practices under Scrutiny as Horse Deaths Alarm”

In recent years, the racing industry has come under increasing scrutiny as the number of racehorse deaths has risen at an alarming rate. This issue has been reported extensively by various news outlets, including PBS NewsHour, The Globe and Mail, WJZ, and Courier Journal. With each report shedding light on the dangers of the sport and the industry’s negligence towards horse safety, it is important that measures are taken to improve the situation.

The Stronach Group-owned racetrack has been a particular cause for concern after multiple horses have died during races. The deaths have resulted in demonstrations and calls for the sport to be banned altogether. As a result, the industry has been forced to re-evaluate its safety practices, and racing regulators have been tasked with implementing new measures to ensure the safety of horses.

The Preakness Stakes, one of horse racing’s most well-known and prestigious events, has also come under scrutiny due to the rising number of horse deaths. The Chief Veterinary Officer at Preakness recently spoke about the prioritization of horse health and the concerns faced by industry professionals who are committed to ensuring the safety of the animals.

The issue of racehorse deaths is a complex one, and it is clear that the sport’s safety practices need to be improved. One of the potential solutions is the adoption of safer racing surfaces that reduce the risk of injury to horses. In addition, increased regulatory oversight could help to reduce the incidence of accidents and injuries on the racetrack.

In recent years, the racing industry has faced significant backlash, with many feeling that more needs to be done to protect the welfare of the animals. Measures such as improved safety practices and regulatory oversight could go a long way in ensuring that the sport is safe for horses and riders alike.

It is clear that the issue of racehorse deaths is one that needs to be taken seriously by the industry as a whole. With growing awareness and pressure from the public and media, it is important that action is taken to address the problem. Improved safety practices and oversight could help to ensure that horse racing remains a safe and enjoyable sport for all involved.

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