Home » today » Technology » The critical flaw in Windows is similar to the one used for the Wannacry attack

The critical flaw in Windows is similar to the one used for the Wannacry attack

Wannacry is an extortion program that in May 2017 carried out perhaps the largest computer attack in the world to date. To achieve this, Wannacry exploited a vulnerability in Windows known as Eternal Blue.

Now, security researchers have discovered a new, similar vulnerability (CVE-2022-37958) in Windows that could be used in a similar way, as it allows malicious code to run on a system without any authentication, reports Ars Technique.

As if that weren’t enough, the new vulnerability is also found in far more network protocols than Eternal Blue.

Microsoft fixed the vulnerability with a security update released in September 2022. Something other than Eternal Blue, which was instead a so-called day zero vulnerability that was discovered when it was already too late.

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