Home » today » Health » “The coronavirus circulates much less”, confirmed Nicolás Kreplak | The flu, meanwhile, generated “a lot of demand for mild cases”

“The coronavirus circulates much less”, confirmed Nicolás Kreplak | The flu, meanwhile, generated “a lot of demand for mild cases”

In recent weeks, there has been a flu outbreakconfirmed the Minister of Health of the province of Buenos Aires, Nicolás Kreplak, who explained that this is why the vaccination campaign against the flu was brought forward. On the other hand, he pointed out that although the circulation of coronavirusit is necessary for the younger population to complete their vaccination schedules with the booster dose.

“We had a major outbreak of influenza that led to some hospitalizations but high demand for mild caseswith flu syndrome, “said the official. “It happened that the influenza, the flu, was much earlier, and we had it before the vaccine arrived, but we have disease surveillance units, we know how many of the cases of respiratory diseases there are, how many are covid-19 and which are not, we know that what was circulating is influenza, we know that the coronavirus also circulates but much less than before”he added.

Kreplak reiterated that the application of the “influenza vaccine is very important” and that, for this reason, “as it came before, the vaccination was also brought forward”.

The influenza vaccine, he added, is not indicated for the entire population, but “began in stages, for healthcare workerslast Monday started for babies from 6 months to 2 yearsand that will continue with pregnant people, those who breastfeed, those over 65 years of ageand those between the ages of 2 and 65 with risk diseasesincluding obesity.

“The rest, those who are healthy without risk diseases, do not have an indication for the vaccine because it does not offer them any improvement, what the vaccine reduces is the risk of the disease,” he pointed out.

“The rate of vaccination has decreased”

Meanwhile, he warned that in the province the 46 percent of the population, around seven and a half million people, the third dose of the covid-19 vaccine was applied. The incidence of booster dosehe added, it increases to 80 percent among those over 50 years of age.

“We continue to vaccinate, but at a lower rate of vaccination. Surely there are people who have already passed the 4 months of the second dose and should take the third. In the younger population, it is worth taking advantage of giving it to them now before the virus circulates more,” he explained. In January, “a lot” was vaccinated, with peaks of 150,000 applications per day. “Now we are in less than the third stop than vaccinated before,” said Kreplak, for which he urged to complete the scheme for those who still do not have the booster.

On the other hand, he acknowledged that “During the pandemic, calendar vaccination was greatly reduced” and recommended “vaccination against other diseases such as measles.”

The return to normal

“You have to think about how normality is recovering”observed the Buenos Aires official in reference to the continuity or not of the obligatory use of the chinstrap, given that “the number of cases falls little by little and the severity is less”. “Over there, for a long time, it would be good if we continue,” she added.

“In a public transport With many people, I would use it, regardless of the pandemic, the chinstrap protects us from covid and all respiratory diseases. It does not seem to me that it is wrong to adapt to a situation where covid is not the exclusive disease, but there are also other respiratory diseases, “he evaluated.

“Could there be a next waveespecially because in the cold season they become more contagious (respiratory diseases) but it is not happening, “said the minister. “For weeks we have seen that, instead of increasing, cases are decreasing, but we are attentive because the winter It is a time when cases are increasing, we will see it, it is possible, we are observing and perhaps some relaxation measures will be more moderate if we have a bigger wave, but I do not think much more will happen than that, given the vaccination campaign done,” he added.

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