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The Complex Relationship Between Kate Middleton and Prince Harry: Allies or Enemies?

One of the unknowns in the Windsor family dynamics is represented by the relationship between Kate Middleton and Prince Harry. No one has ever been able to really understand what the brothers-in-law think of each other, whether there is still a dialogue between them, or whether Megxit has also taken away with it the apparent harmony that reigned between the princess and the duke. Meghan’s role, then, could be anything but secondary in this story. Harry and Kate, some say, would still be allies and friends. Even the future Queen would support the prince in her choices and would never give up her role as mediator between the Sussexes and the Windsors. All under the unenthusiastic and very suspicious gaze of Prince William.

“It doesn’t work for everyone”

“Doing therapy doesn’t work for some people, these paths are not for everyone. It is very important to have a variety of possible therapies.” When Kate said this phrase, on the occasion of her first public outing with William after the publication of “Spare”, Harry’s memoir, everyone thought it was a dig aimed at her brother-in-law. It was January 12, 2023 and princes of Wales they were visiting the “Open Door Charity” in Birkenhead, an association dedicated to the mental health of young people by developing their creativity.

The tabloids were surprised by Kate’s words. It seemed strange that the princess, always moderate and careful to weigh every gesture and every word, would indulge in a comment that could reveal to the public her opinion of her towards Harry. The Duke of Sussex has been in therapy for years following the death of Lady Diana and has made mental health his most important philanthropic battle: in an interview with the Telegraph in 2017 he said: “Losing my mother at twelve and then having to turn off my emotions for the last twenty years has had a very serious impact on my life …I was…very close to a complete breakdown on several occasions.”

In 2020 he admitted he had been in treatment for seven years. In 2022, during the inaugural day of the Masters of Scale Summit, he confessed: “When I started therapy, I finally opened my eyes… I found the confidence I never thought I had.” For this reason, Kate’s joke seemed even more cutting, insensitive and, at the same time, incredible. It almost seemed like an obstinacy towards the principe Harryalthough the latter did not spare the royal family any low blows.

The press thought that relations between the princess and the duke had deteriorated after the publication of “Spare” and the bombshell interviews, that there was no hope of reconciliation. The latest rumors, however, cast doubt on this version of events. Indeed, they completely overturn it by describing Kate e Harry like two great confidants, ready to help and encourage each other.

Night calls

Closer magazine wrote: “Kate Middleton has reached out to Harry to offer her support during what has been a really difficult time for him.” The trial against the tabloids, during which the prince was challenged on the credibility of his statements, the decline in popularity, the termination of the contract with Spotify, the rumors of divorce with Meghan, the tensions with Carlo III and William would have pushed the princess to extend her hand to Harry. Perhaps Kate would never have truly walked away from Harry, believing there was some room for peace.

An insider told Closer: “Kate has been in contact with Harry to tell him to keep moving forward with his head held high and not to worry too much about these temporary setbacks.” The intentions of princesshowever, would go beyond simple encouragement: “Harry’s relationship with Kate has remained intact and it means the world to Harry that she continues to show him support, particularly in complicated moments like this, when the day comes.”

The princess would never have been insensitive to her brother-in-law’s problems. The source continued: “She feels very sorry for him. It’s very difficult to see him go through all these obstacles, she tugs at his heartstrings…”. Kate Middleton would always be there for Harry. At any time. Other insiders, insisting on the princess’s feelings, made a revelation sensational: “It’s very hard for Kate to watch Harry deal with… stress and rejection but during their late-night phone calls she tells him that everything will be okay in the end.”

William’s hesitation

“My brother and I love each other…there has been a lot of pain between us, particularly over the last six years,” Prince Harry said in an interview with ITV last January, admitting that he had not spoken to William “for a certain period of time”. Precisely the lack of dialogue with the Prince of Galles it could represent a perhaps insurmountable obstacle for Kate.

Apparently the future Re he wouldn’t like the alleged phone calls between his wife and brother at all. She would not be able to trust him, fearing that any attempt at reconciliation could end up in an exclusive interview or in a documentary. An insider explained to Closer: “Of course it’s a very sensitive situation…among many of the other senior royals, particularly William, who has made it clear that he is not yet ready to sit down with Harry for peace talks or any other attempt of open discussion”.

William’s position is understandable, but Kate would not be willing to give up, nor would she have ever abandoned her role as mediator between the royal family and dukes of Sussex: “Kate wants to keep the lines of communication open and pave the way for long-term, down-the-line peace with the entire family, including William. She doesn’t want to intrude on Harry’s life, but she wants him to know that there are many people, including her, who care about him and are rooting for her to be happy.” In his memoir “Spare” Harry defined Kate as “more than a sister-in-law, the sister I never had and always wanted…”. The princess would be behaving just like a sister ready to advise and help a brother in difficulty.

Another obstacle to peace: Meghan

In the bumpy path towards peace between Windsor and Sussex, the Princess of Wales would not only have to face her husband’s hesitation, but also the presumed hostility of Meghan Markle. It seems that the two have never understood each other and the now famous argument over Princess Charlotte’s dress, which would have happened a few weeks before Harry’s royal wedding, would have put an immovable stone on the possibility of a compromise, making the hope of a friendship between sisters-in-law is a chimera.

Now the problems would have increased. The Duchess did not accompany Harry to London on September 7, on the occasion of the WellChild Awards charity event, dedicated to sick children. She should not even participate in the possible meeting between Harry and Carlo, scheduled for September 17th. According to the tabloids His Majesty he would not have invited her, as he would like to speak exclusively with his second son.

Meghan, however, would not be eager to return to court. In reverse. She would gladly avoid meeting the royal family, especially Kate Middleton. Seeing her again now that she has become Princess of Wales and having to pay homage to her, as protocol prescribes, would be an unbearable humiliation for the Duchess. On Sky News 24’s “Sunday Morning with Trevor Phillips” program, royal expert Andrew Morton left no room for doubt: “Meghan bowing to Kate? I don’t think so, I don’t see it as a possibility. The Sussexes have their life in California.”

The duchess she would not like to risk finding herself in an inferior position, while her sister-in-law takes the honors and the light of the international stage. Kate’s mediation work will not be a walk in the park at all, but if the solidity of her relationship with Harry is true, nothing is impossible.

2023-09-11 05:56:00
#latenight #phone #calls #Kate #Prince #Harry #William #angry

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