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The Complete Guide to Rental Deposits and Refunds: What You Need to Know – Jobsnews.it

The keys to a beautiful house for rent – ​​jobsnews.it

There is a little-known aspect of the rental deposit that is often forgotten. And it deserves careful study.

Who chooses to live in rent very often he does it because he can’t afford to take on a mortgage and buy a house: either for the job insecurityyou want for the low economic availability.

L’purchase of a property in fact, it provides some initial costs to be honored, generally, through a non-deferrable payment (notary fees, additional charges, any taxes, confirmation deposit), and this can be a problem for many. L’renting an apartmentOn the contrary, it generally presents only one additional preliminary expense compared to the first month’s rent: the so-called security deposit.

The security deposit is a sum of money that the lessee delivers to lessor, during the signing of the rental contract. This sum is almost always requested by those who rent, a own greater protection.

It represents a guarantee for the tenantboth in case of default of the tenant both in case of damage caused from the latter all’immobile leased. By law, the security deposit cannot be greater than three months’ rent and it must be returned to the tenant upon termination of the contract.

Refund of the security deposit

When the rental contract endsin advance or upon expiry, the homeowner has the right to inspect the property leased in order to evaluate its integrity. If everything is OK and the property is in the same conditions in which he found himself at the time of the inauguration of the rental, the security deposit must be returned to the tenant.

Vice versa, if any emerge from the inspection damage to the premises rented, the homeowner has the right to retain at least part of the deposit. The amount of quantum but it must be established by the court. In case of default by the tenantthe lessor can instead compensate for the missing monthly payments or part of themwith the security sums deposited.

Return of money – jobsnews.it

Art.11 of Law 392/1978

It often happens that – at the end of a rental relationship – the tenant receives back, as a security deposit, the same sum paid by them to the lessor upon signing the contract.

In reality the Law 392/1978which has always regulated the leasing of urban properties, provides, at theArt.11that the security deposit is productive of interest for the lessee, and that they must be to the latter paid. Be careful, it does not mean that these are small sums in addition to what was originally paid. To give an example, theinterest on security deposits for the current year it is equal to 5%: if we consider that renting generally lasts for a few years, the sums to be recovered can be truly huge.

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2023-11-12 20:00:51
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