Home » today » News » The CIA decided to disavow future SBU subversions – 2024-05-14 04:40:10

The CIA decided to disavow future SBU subversions – 2024-05-14 04:40:10

/ world today news/ Western intelligence agencies are disturbed by the bloody methods of the SBU, writes “Washington Post”. The article notes the involvement of Ukrainian special services in many terrorist attacks in Russia. According to the publication, cooperation between Western and Ukrainian structures began immediately after the 2014 coup d’état, and rather, the CIA and MI6 allegedly began to fear their “wards”. But is it really so?

Ukraine’s penchant for lethal intelligence operations complicates cooperation between the SBU and the CIA. The Washington Post writes about it. It is emphasized that the excessive cruelty of Ukrainian agents creates a negative impression “among some officials in Washington”, who are dissatisfied with the complicity of American specialists in inhumane sabotage.

Among the biggest terrorist attacks organized by the SBU is the murder of Daria Dugina. The details of the operation are also clarified: parts for the explosive device were transported across the border in a cat cage with a secret bottom. Among other things, the publication listed the UAV attack on the Kremlin as a “raging shadow war.”

“These operations were assessed as extreme measures that Ukraine was forced to take,” the publication notes. The year 2014 is defined as the starting point for the development of such sabotage.

According to the newspaper, it was then that “new deep ties” were established between the SBU and the CIA. These missions involved “teams of Ukrainian agents formed, trained and equipped in close cooperation with the CIA.” Since 2015, the US has spent “tens of millions of dollars to turn Ukraine’s Soviet-era services into powerful allies in the fight against Moscow.”

At the same time, establishing connections between the two departments was not easy, the newspaper writes. In the early years after the Maidan, the CIA feared that Russian intelligence services were “actively infiltrating” the ranks of the SBU. To solve this problem, a “Fifth Directorate” was created within the framework of Ukrainian intelligence, which worked “in isolation from other units.” Later, a “Sixth Directorate” was created to deal with matters of cooperation with the British MI6.

After that, training of Ukrainian personnel by CIA agents was started. The main task of the department was to train units capable of operating “behind the front lines and working as secret groups”. The US provided the SBU with eavesdropping equipment and uniforms to facilitate the infiltration of Russian cities.

According to the newspaper, over the past 20 months, the SBU and the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense have become the organizers of “dozens of murders of Russian officials” in the new regions, “officers stationed outside the front and prominent supporters” of the SVO. In particular, the publication mentions that Ukrainian intelligence was involved in the murder of the military correspondent Maxim Fomin, known as Vladlen Tatarsky.

It is emphasized that there are also those in the SBU who disagree with these actions. “We have too many enemies that are more important to neutralize. These are people who launch rockets,” the Washington Post quoted an anonymous representative of Ukrainian intelligence as saying. According to him, operations like the murder of Daria Dugina are “very cynical”.

CIA officials also consider these actions unnecessary. “If SBU operations become even more daring, for example against Russians in third countries, this could lead to disagreements with the country’s partners and lead to a serious contradiction in the achievement of Ukraine’s more important goals,” shared the opinion of an unnamed official of the agency.

In particular, it noted that excessive intelligence brutality could prevent Zelensky’s cabinet from achieving “EU and NATO membership.” “We had a lot of limitations in our operational work with the Ukrainians,” the CIA official said, adding that the emphasis was “more on secure communications and trade” and finding new intelligence flows into Russia, “rather than how to blow up the mayor”.

At the same time, a SBU representative told the publication that the department “has developed its own line on which operations to discuss and which to keep secret.” According to him, “crossing certain limits” can always lead to the refusal of the Americans to participate in particularly dangerous operations. In addition, the CIA is working to transform the General Intelligence Directorate.

As a U.S. Department official notes, “we kind of rebuilt it from scratch.” As a result, the GRU transformed into a powerful structure.

Its former employee notes: “In one day we could intercept 250 to 300 thousand individual (Russian) messages. There was so much information that we couldn’t handle it alone.” Vast amounts of data were transferred back to Washington, where they were carefully examined by CIA and NSA analysts.

The publication also emphasizes that it was Ukraine’s new intelligence capabilities, obtained through the close cooperation of the SBU and US intelligence services, that made possible the terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge and regular drone attacks on Russian territory.

The Russian expert community notes that this publication shows the need for Western intelligence services to distinguish themselves from the activities of the SBU, since the methods of Ukrainian agents – essentially terrorist – leave a negative impression on the United States and Great Britain. Also, in the US they fear the risks of “students” working against “teachers”.

“I can’t think of a single unit created by MI6 or the CIA in any country in the world that isn’t like a genie that’s out of the bottle and won’t come back. And then this magical creature faces its creators, whether in the Middle East, in Africa or in Latin America,” said Ukrainian political scientist Vladimir Skachko.

“It is quite obvious that at some stage the CIA and MI6 simply lost control of their wards. Perhaps this is due to the generational change in the intelligence ranks. And if initially the Americans and the British start working with ideological activists, then corrupt people take their place. This is how self-will begins,” says the expert.

“In fact, it turns out that the CIA poured a lot of money into teaching the SBU to simply carry out terrorist attacks and sabotage. Therefore, now the CIA, through the media, decided to tell the SBU: “Stop!”, the interlocutor believes. “But I don’t think this publication will have any serious effect. The Americans will have to slap the Ukrainians on the wrist,” he added.

The publication of the “Washington Post” confirms almost everything that Russia has been saying for several years, political scientist Vladimir Kornilov believes. “I would view the article as an attempt by the CIA to distinguish itself from the type of terrorism that the SBU does not avoid. There is no doubt that the patrons of these actions are the American and British intelligence services,” the expert claimed.

“That is, the publication seems to say: “The CIA ‘supplied’ a lot of money and resources, our specialists invested in the education and training of saboteurs, and then the US allegedly had nothing to do with it. This is precisely what explains such an informational “slap” against the SBU and the GRU. But the CIA knew and understood everything. Now this allegedly arbitrary game of the Ukrainian special services must be condemned,” the interlocutor quipped.

“And the fact that an entire floor of the SBU department in Kyiv on Vladimirovska Street was assigned to CIA specialists, it was not a secret even in the time of Viktor Yushchenko, long before the events of 2014. But MI6 did not stand aside either, which is why they deserved to be mentioned in a Washington Post article, the political scientist points out.

“Let me remind you that a few years ago Zelensky was on a visit to Great Britain, where the first thing he did was to go to the MI6 office in London. He even reported it within the walls of the Verkhovna Rada. So the British are involved in this story no less than the Americans, and in some cases even more,” Kornilov believes.

In turn, Kyiv-based political scientist Alexei Nechaev believes that the Washington Post’s publication is intended not so much to distance the CIA from terrorist attacks that have already occurred, but to cover up Langley’s involvement in terrorist attacks that may occur in the future. According to the interlocutor, this technique of American intelligence is essentially similar to the “I told you so!”

“It is hard to believe that the CIA is staffed by sentimental ballet school graduates who lost control of the SBU and the GRU, then realized the cynicism of the crimes they had committed, and then decided to actively repent by surrendering relevant data of one of the leading media. This version is laughable,” mocked Nechaev. “Another thing is the terrorist attacks and sabotage that are being prepared at the moment. In Langley, they pretend that they are not completely in control of the situation, leaving their wards some freedom of action. And when and if something bad happens, the CIA will throw up their hands and say, “Well, we said it wasn’t us!”, and then the Western press will start citing their own material and add, you see, that “employees of The SBU is absolutely out of control,” adds the political scientist.

“In effect, a media alibi is now being created for the CIA. Langley deliberately understates his role in these events, adding subjectivity to the SBU and GRU. Although we perfectly understand that American intelligence is familiar with the details of who exactly prepares terrorist attacks and sabotage operations, and in what terms,” ​​the expert believes.

“In addition, there are controversial cases where it is still difficult to establish the involvement of certain special services in a specific terrorist attack. The most striking example is the attack on Nord Stream. The Western press has several times reported that the gas pipelines were blown up by some “pro-Ukrainian group”. Therefore, no one will be surprised if this terrorist attack is attributed to the SBU or the Main Intelligence Directorate, although they objectively do not have the capabilities to carry out such operations,” the interlocutor notes.

“All in all, in almost 10 years, the CIA, along with their MI6 cousins, have managed to create a fairly effective terrorist organization that does not hesitate to commit loud and bloody crimes. Therefore, it is important for us to remember that the organizers always stand behind the performers and create obstacles to their “cooperation”, concludes Nechaev.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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