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The Challenges of Implementing Female Dwarves in Deep Rock Galactic

There are no playable female dwarves in Deep Rock Galactic, and Ghost Ship Games Social Media and Community Manager Jacob Herold explained that women were considered and even had some concepts, but would end up being a daunting task to implement.

According to Herold, it’s not about the voice acting, although that would be a lot of work.

“Female dwarves have been on the wish list/road map for a long time. We had several internal concepts, but they were never brought to fruition.

It’s not about the voice acting, although that is also a huge amount of work – in 2022 we had 3,669 phrases, and all of them had to have a female equivalent.

The biggest problem is the skeletons of the 3D character model, which were made a long time ago and are adapted to only one body type – potato. We will have to redo it from the bottom up, redo all the cosmetics for the new body type, and so on.

Reworking the systems to include the female dwarves we feel the game deserves is such a huge undertaking that it is not currently being considered.”

The herald did not say that the women would not appear, but if this happened, it would not be soon.

Deep Rock Galactic is available on PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox One and Xbox Series X. The game recently launched the fourth season of Critical Corruption.

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