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the centers are reorganized in Vendée and Loire-Atlantique

The booster dose against the coronavirus, it is no longer reserved for over 65s. The Minister of Health announced this Thursday, November 25, it is open to 18-65 years old from this Saturday and now from 5 months after the last injection (against 6 months until now). That’s 2,400,000 people to be vaccinated by the end of January in Pays-de-la-Loire according to the ARS. “We would arrive at a number of injections per week of about 200,000. So we would arrive at a level a little less than what we had this summer, but still at significant levels”, confided at a press conference this Thursday at the end of the day, Benoît James, the Covid crisis director at ARS Pays-de-la-Loire.

City medicine mobilized

ARS counts rely on the so-called city medicine network: pharmacists, doctors, nurses, etc.. In Loire-Atlantique, it carries out a little more than half of the injections at the moment. According to the ARS, these professionals will be able to have additional doses without worry. “But we are already well mobilized with the flu vaccine, antigenic tests, so we will take our part, but we ask that centers expand their offer or that some reopen”, specifies Alain Guilleminot, president of the Regional Union of Liberal Health Professionals Pharmacists of Pays de la Loire.

The ARS affirms that it will also solicit the communities, the departmental fire and rescue services so that the centers can offer additional appointments as quickly as possible.. In Les Herbiers and Saint-Nazaire, the town halls evoke meetings “urgently this Friday” with the ARS to reorganize the centers.

Nantes now opens on Sundays and from December 4 the days will be extended

Joined by France Blue Loire Ocean, the town hall of Nantes let know this Thursday evening that additional slots have emerged. With this weekend, the Nantes-Erdre festive room open on Sunday. It will now be 7 days a week, compared to 6 out of 7. And as of December 4, the center will no longer close at 5 p.m., but at 7 p.m. Result: 150 more injections each day compared to today. Still in Loire-Atlantique, in Châteaubriant, within ten days, we should go from 250 to 700 doses per day.

Here are other examples this time in Vendée. TO La Roche-sur-Yon, the center will open this Sunday, November 28, like others in December, but not every Sunday. There will be a few Saturdays and here too it is new. From next month the number of appointments will be doubled. In Sables-d’Olonne, the town hall says it is working to go from 2,300 doses per week to 3,200 as of next week. A Challans, slots have been added on certain Wednesdays and Saturdays in December. The center there will however close during the end of year holidays: a change of site is planned but also so that the staff, in great demand for nearly a year, can rest.

Centers that will reopen

There are also centers which had closed a few weeks ago and which will resume service. We can cite The Baule within ten days. The commune of Pontchâteau has also committed to reopen. In Savenay, the mayor has not yet been contacted, but if so, he tells us, he will say yes.

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