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The cavalcade and its musicians capsize the streets of the city center

On Sunday afternoon, a large crowd of spectators watched the parade of floats and music groups. A slice of happiness and refreshing escape.

It was in summer heat, less overwhelming than the day before, that the cavalcade marched through the streets of downtown Tarbes. A slice of happiness and refreshing escape offered to the public, after a scorching day. The procession led by vintage cars from the Embiellage d’Or, started from Cours Gambetta and Place de Verdun to go down Rue Maréchal-Foch where a large crowd of spectators gathered, in particular families and children. The Batucadas Em Cima and Paum’Kannel and the banda les Eskapats led the dance, drum beating. There were a few Brazilian rhythms from the carnival in Rio, from the bandas festival in Condom. The decorations of the chariots of the cavalcade of Aureilhan also made the public travel towards distant horizons or made them go up the river of history, like the tales of the thousand and one nights and the hussars of the city of Tarbes embodied by a troop of adorable boys.

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