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The Burdens of Fame: Miss France 2013 Marine Loiseau Opens Up About the Challenges of Notoriety

Fame opens doors in a career but can also be a heavy weight to carry, especially for those around you. Crowned Miss France 2013, Marine Loiseau discovered overnight the rhinestones and sequins of life as a beauty queen, with her crown and her sash, her beautiful dresses and her travels to the four corners of France. But this notoriety among the general public has a price, like the 30-year-old doctor, columnist in The Health Magazine on France 5, explained it in our podcast Current Womenpublished this Thursday, October 5, 2023. “What is more complicated is the impact it has on our loved ones, our family or our relationship. And that is difficult to control. Whether our loved ones are interviewed or filmed, whether we speak to them in the street… My little brother suffered quite a bit from it at the time. He was a young teenager when I became Miss France, everyone only talked to him about his sister!”she explained on the microphone of Marie-Amélie Druesne, specifying that she herself did not “not too bad a experience” all this media attention.

Notoriety difficult to live with for her ex-fiancé Christophe

Originally from Mâcon, Marine Ltemporel was in turn Miss Saône-et-Loire 2012, Miss Burgundy 2012, Miss France 2013 and finally 1st runner-up to Miss World 2013. Now a Doctor in general medicine, this sports enthusiast has had a rich year succeeding Delphine Wespiser, between his participation in numerous TV and radio shows, his appearances at fairs and shows, his climbs to the steps of major festivals… A media exposure that she retained once the scarf was returned, on social networks, by going to TV game shoots (Fort Boyard, The Robinson Adventure…) or by publishing several works related to health. This notoriety had “an impact” about his family, particularly in his relationship with his uncles, aunts, cousins… and boyfriends. “It was difficult for my ex-partner Christophe [Malmezac, son ex-fiancé], who was attacked by a fan. I accepted it, the media gives you a voice but those close to you didn’t ask for it. In hindsight, maybe I should have protected them more.”the Unicef ​​ambassador told us, in the podcast Current Women.

Marine Ltemporel and Christophe Malmezac attacked by a fan

Marine Ltemporel shared her life with her former companion Christophe Malmezac, a businessman from Tahiti, from 2014 to 2023. The announcement of their breakup caused surprise, as they were soon to get married. In 2018, an admirer of the former Miss France 2013 attacked her and her partner at the exit of the metro in Lyon with knives. As reported The Parisian on January 5, 2018, the individual suffering from psychological disorders was described as “a compulsive fan who follows her wherever she goes and even lurks near her home.” An attack that the person concerned obviously experienced badly. “I realized that I jumped all the time when someone approached me on the street. I hear someone walking behind me, I jump, I look at him ten times. I have to do something.”, she admitted on RTL, September 25, 2023, on the occasion of the release of her book In great shape (ed. Marabout).

2023-10-06 08:23:00
#Marine #Lrouille #talks #consequences #notoriety #difficult #excompanion #Christophe

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