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The Bold and the Beautiful Previews: Brooke discovers that Ridge is back with Taylor

Let’s see the previews of the episode of The Beautiful broadcast on 6 February 2024 on Canale5. The plots of the Soap episode reveal that Brooke will discover that Ridge is back together with Taylor. It will be a bad blow for Logan.

In the episode Of Beautiful on air Canale5 il February 6, 2024at ore 13.45We will see Brooke is desperate. The Previews dell’episode from the Soap they reveal to us that Logan will find out that her husband he doesn’t want to have anything to do with her anymore and what has he decided to end all relationships. The woman will be very scared by this decision but most of all she won’t understand what has changed between her and her husbandso much so that it led him to return to Taylor’s arms, abandoning her, without explanations and without a precise reason.

The Bold and the Beautiful Previews: Brooke discovers that Ridge is back with Taylor

Taylor gave in e a passionate kiss took place between her and Ridgewhich sealed theirs newfound love. The two announced the happy event to their children but Ridge will have to reveal it to Brooke tooas soon as arrived in Aspen. The Forrester, arrived in the mountains, will find out from her husbandor rather future ex, of his decision to rejoin Hayes. The blonde will obviously be speechless especially because he won’t understand what has changedthese days, so much so as to lead the designer to make this unexpected leap. Brooke will immediately ask for explanations.

Beautiful Preview: Brooke wants to know what happened to Ridge

Brooke will join forces with Ridge and he will know what happened so serious as to lead Ridge back into Taylor’s arms. Although she has always been aware of the influence that Hayes has on her husband, Logan never imagined that the designer could actually leave her alone. However, her escape to Aspen must necessarily hide something more, which she will demand to know now! Ridge won’t let any information slipIn fact, he will wait for her to tell him the truth about the call to social services.

Plots and Previews Beautiful: Ridge hopes that Brooke will confess everything

Ridge will still be very confused. View Brooke ad Aspen it will make him feel it again balanced between the two women in his life. The stylist will hope with all my might his wife confessed to having called social services and perhaps, if he does, things will take a different turn. We anticipate that the blonde not only won’t say anything but she won’t even know that Ridge is thinking such a thing. In fact, we will find out very soon that Brooke didn’t make any calls ed she was framed.

Let’s find out all of them Weekly Previews Of Beautiful from 5 to 10 February 2024.

Beautiful it goes on air Channel 5, from Monday to Saturday at ore 13.45.

2024-02-05 11:00:00

#Beautiful #Previews #Episode #February #Brooke #dumped #Ridge #doesnt #hear #anymore

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