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The baking soda cocktail immediately destroys all aphids. It will save your crop

As soon as the plants come out of the seedlings and you are already looking forward to the first beauty or harvest, aphids will appear. It’s time to put an end to them as quickly as possible before they multiply and destroy everything you’ve worked on.

Not just for baking and cleaning the household

Baking soda is a very useful ingredient in the home. They will provide you with fluffy desserts and cakes, take care of cleaning waste or dirt in the oven, and clean stains on the carpet. Never confuse baking soda with soda for soaking laundry, they are two different chemical compounds. Baking soda can also be a great way to take care of our garden.

Aphids hate her.

Spraying is natural and ecological

Aphid spraying made from baking soda will easily provide you with relief from unwanted insects. Its preparation is very easy and the effect is long-lasting. In addition, you don’t have to worry about spraying hurting or discouraging bumblebees and other pollinators coming at your flora or vegetables.

Production of natural spraying

To make an organic aphid preparation, you will need to dissolve a teaspoon of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of baking soda in a liter of water. Then spray the affected areas with a sprayer.

You can also try a variation, namely a teaspoon of baking soda and a few drops of dishwashing detergent. Stir these ingredients in a liter of warm water and use as a spray on the affected plants.

The third option is to dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a liter of warm water and add a teaspoon of grated soap, which you dissolve in the water together with the soda.

Foto: Shutterstock

How often to spray?

Spray the natural spray on the plant twice a week. However, if aphids are severely affected, this procedure will need to be repeated daily, even from the underside of the plant. It is always better to treat plants in the immediate vicinity of the affected flower or crop.

It is still a natural remedy that does not hinder growth or negatively affect the pollination of the plant. So you don’t have to be afraid to use it daily. Do you notice the existence of an anthill in the vicinity of your plant? Ants keep aphids and use their sweet juice as food. Therefore, you should also focus on these unwelcome guests within the garden.

Photo: Shutterstock, source: Treehouse

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