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Bochemie: From Savo to Lithium Batteries – A Diversified Future

Exploring⁣ the Future of Battery Production with⁣ Bochemie

Bochemie, a chemical company based in Bohumín, has been making significant strides in the ‌production of nickel-cadmium batteries for industrial use. In collaboration⁢ with its German subsidiary GAZ, ⁤which it acquired five years ago, Bochemie has been manufacturing these batteries with‌ great success. The company is also set to launch a similar production line in Saudi Arabia in the near future.

Looking ahead, ‌Bochemie has ambitious plans to increase its stake in the battery market. The company⁤ is venturing into ⁣the promising field of ‍lithium batteries and aims to control the entire production chain from basic chemicals ⁣to the⁢ final product.

Future Plans in Lithium Battery Sector

Bochemie’s foray into lithium batteries signifies a strategic move towards sustainable⁤ energy solutions. By ⁣investing ‌in ⁣lithium battery production, the⁣ company is positioning​ itself as a key player⁣ in the transition towards ‍cleaner energy sources.

Continued Interest in Nickel-Cadmium Batteries

Despite the focus on lithium batteries, Bochemie remains committed ‍to ‌the production of nickel-cadmium batteries. These batteries continue to be ⁢in demand⁤ for various industrial⁣ applications, showcasing the company’s versatility in‍ catering ​to‍ diverse⁤ market ⁢needs.

Regret Over Sale ⁣of Savo Brand

One decision​ that still weighs⁤ on the minds of Bochemie’s⁤ owners‌ is the sale of the Savo ​brand. The ​brand held ⁣significant value‌ in the market, ⁤and its loss is‍ a reminder of the importance of strategic decision-making in the businessworld.

Future Investments

Bochemie ⁢has earmarked substantial‌ investments for its expansion⁣ plans in the battery sector.‍ By⁣ allocating​ resources towards research and development, the company aims ⁤to stay at the forefront of technological advancements in battery production.

In conclusion,⁣ Bochemie’s journey ‌into the realm of ⁤battery ‍production reflects a⁣ commitment to innovation and sustainability. ‍With⁤ a focus on lithium batteries and a continued interest in nickel-cadmium technology, the company is poised to shape ⁣the‌ future of energy storage​ solutions.

Bochemie: A⁢ Shift Towards Lithium Batteries

Bochemie, a well-known chemical⁢ company, has been ⁣making ⁤headlines with its ‍latest ventures⁤ into the world of lithium batteries. While their flagship product, Savo,‍ continues to be a household name in disinfectants, ⁣the company has been quietly expanding its presence in the battery ⁣industry.

The Rise of Lithium Batteries

Bochemie’s‌ foray into lithium⁣ batteries ‌marks a ‍significant shift in their business strategy. With plans to control the entire production chain from‍ basic chemicals to ⁢the final product, the company is positioning itself as a key ‍player in the growing market for lithium batteries.

Nickel-Cadmium Batteries: A ‌Continuing⁣ Interest

Despite their focus on lithium batteries, Bochemie remains ​committed to‌ their production ⁢of nickel-cadmium ⁣batteries. These batteries, produced ⁤in collaboration ​with their⁢ German⁣ subsidiary ​GAZ,‍ have been a steady ⁣source of ⁣revenue for⁣ the company.

The Sale of Savo: A ‍Regretful Decision

One decision that continues to haunt Bochemie’s‌ current owner, Miloslav Vodička, is the sale of the Savo brand to Unilever in 2013. While the⁤ brand remains‍ a profitable asset for Unilever, the ⁤loss of such a valuable brand has left⁢ a bitter taste for the previous owners.

Future Investments and⁢ Expansion

Looking ahead, Bochemie ​has ambitious plans for further investments in their battery business. With a new production facility set to ⁤launch in Saudi ⁢Arabia and a growing ‌focus on lithium⁣ batteries, the⁤ company is poised for significant growth in the ‌coming years.

Stay tuned for more updates on‌ Bochemie’s innovative ventures in the‌ world⁤ of batteries.

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