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The Alabama Woman Hit by a Meteorite – A Historical Space Event

SPACE — On November 30, 1954, an Alabama woman received an extraordinary surprise. Elizabeth Hodges was taking a nap on her couch when a 10-pound meteorite crashed through the ceiling and hit her side.

Initially, the townspeople were unsure whether the object was a rock from outer space or a meteorite. Some even speculated that it might be a Soviet plane. A group of people came to Hodges’ house.

Feeling a little overwhelmed, he went to the hospital to be checked. Hodges was badly bruised, but not injured.

Scientists quickly confirmed the rock fell from outer space. Hodges eventually donated the meteorite to a natural history museum. To this day, he is the only person in history to be hit by a meteorite. Source: Space.compi unharmed.

Also Read: Meteorite Hits Mexico, Why Are Only Dinosaurs Extinct?

Scientists quickly confirmed the rock fell from outer space. Hodges eventually donated the meteorite to a natural history museum. To this day, he is the only person in history to be hit by a meteorite. Source: Space.com

2023-11-30 14:59:00
#History #Today #Meteorite #Hits #Woman #Space #Space

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