Home » today » Entertainment » Thanks to the soap opera, Ikatan Cinta, Arya Saloka bought the dream house in cash

Thanks to the soap opera, Ikatan Cinta, Arya Saloka bought the dream house in cash

Actress Arya Saloka poses during the promotion of the film Menunggu Pagi at the Kompas Tower, Jakarta, Tuesday (2/10/2018). (Source: Kompas.com/MAULANA MAHARDHIKA)

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV – The soap opera star Ikatan Cinta, Arya Saloka, finally has a private house. This is his first home. Arya said the house he bought was not located in a cluster and almost resembled his dream house.

“So there are only two houses there, there is a path, there is a fence of its own. It is thick with trees and I have to change a lot, because I like house types. farmhouse yes, American classic, “said Arya quoted from the YouTube channel Cumicumi, Saturday (1/5/2021).

Arya Saloka did not deny that her savings grew quickly after starring in the soap opera Ikatan Cinta, in addition to being accustomed to saving.

Also Read: Arya Saloka: Catching Up the Show of ‘The Bond of Love’ Really Interferes With Family Time

“Ya alhamdulillah sustenance from here. Actually save already for a long time, because I’m a person who doesn’t like shopping, “he said.

Arya Saloka bought the house in cash because her mother always taught her not to buy things in installments.

“I’m getting better cash, I never (in installments) because of usury, right. Mother always said, ‘don’t pay in installments’, “said Arya Saloka.

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