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Tesla falls, infuriates Ukraine, continues to buy Twitter


This week has been really busy for Elon Musk. He decided to buy Twitter, commented on the war between Ukraine and Taiwan and addressed the fact that stock prices Tesla relapse.

Quoted by CNBC, Tesla’s stock price fell nearly 16% this week. Initially USD 265.25 on September 30, it became USD 223.07 a week later. It was the worst performance since March 2020.

Investors fear that Tesla’s car production and shipments may not match analysts’ forecasts. Initially, Tesla was expected to ship 364,660 vehicles in the period ending September 30, 2022.


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But in reality, Tesla’s shipments are “only” 343,000 vehicles even though two new plants in Texas and Germany are already operational. Perhaps this is due to increasingly fierce competition, such as in China, where Tesla faces aggressive local rivals.

Elon Musk then he showed Tesla’s humanoid robot named Optimus that looked like a human. However, this robot is not well received by investors.

On the other hand, Elon Musk has also angered Ukraine and, more recently, Taiwan. For Ukraine, Elon Musk believes that part of his territory will actually be annexed to Russia. Meanwhile, according to him, Taiwan must submit to China. Elon Musk has also drawn criticism from the leaders of both countries.

There is yet another furore, the richest man in the world said he would continue to buy Twitter at an initial price of $ 54.20 per share.

Elon Musk confirming the offer through documents registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). In the document, Musk said he would complete the transaction under the terms negotiated with Twitter in April.

“We received a letter from Musk that they filed with the SEC. The company’s goal is to complete the transaction at $ 54.20 per share,” Twitter said.

Watch videos”Elon Musk is reportedly continuing to buy Twitter
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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