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Tesla didn’t open the door for its owner until he paid $ 26,000 for a new battery

One frustrated car owner called the electric car “junk” for which he once paid $ 140,000.

Mario Celaya from Canada recorded a video on TikTok stating that his Tesla car would automatically lock when the battery was low. Details said unilad.com edition.

Frustrated, Zelaya called the electric car “junk” and, after all, once paid no more than $ 140,000 for this “junk”.

According to the car owner, he decided to sell the car after the battery was “dead”. Mario didn’t want to pay for the battery replacement, so he set a lower price for the car. However, Tesla locked all the doors and did not want to open. This made Mario very angry because, ironically, the deeds were in the cabin.

The unfortunate owner decided to ask his subscribers how it should be and recorded a video message on TikTok. Someone suggested we try to take the door off, but Celaya said he “didn’t have time for that”. Subsequently, he was able to obtain a certified copy of the documents by paying $ 30.

The frustrated motorist said he bought the car in 2013. Later it turned out that models like his, and models from 2014, have problematic bodies: if condensation collects somewhere, it flows and gets on the battery, it fails over time, says the material.

Celaya wants to study this problem. She reached out to Transport Canada experts as well as another Tesla owner who had the exact same problem.

“Tesla is trying to hide this flaw,” he said. “They don’t give any explanation why the battery died.

Mario also noted that “Tesla services do not include checking a very expensive battery”.

“I will never buy a Tesla again,” Zelaya commented. “Stay away from Tesla. These are low quality cars, low quality production.”

Fortunately for Celaya, he was able to sell his ill-fated electric car and revealed on TikTok that the new owner plans to take the car apart to charge it.

Previously, we wrote about American engineers found a way to fix a failing Tesla battery not for $ 26,000, but for just $ 5,000.

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