Home » today » Sport » Temporary Standings for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Medals, Monday 2 August 2021 At 19.00 WIB: Indonesia is the King of ASEAN : Okezone Sports

Temporary Standings for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Medals, Monday 2 August 2021 At 19.00 WIB: Indonesia is the King of ASEAN : Okezone Sports

STANDARDS while the medal Tokyo 2020 Olympics until Monday 2 August 2021 at 19.00 WIB has been released. As a result, the Indonesian contingent still occupies the 34th position in the medal standings, the same as this afternoon.

The latest medal was obtained in the Indonesian men’s singles, Anthony Ginting. Facing Kevin Cordon in the bronze medal match, Anthony Ginting won with a score of 21-11 and 21-13.

(Anthony Ginting won a bronze medal at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. (Photo: NOC Indonesia)

In total, the Indonesian contingent has won one gold, one silver and three bronze medals at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. 202 Tokyo Olympics0 through the women’s doubles, Greysia Polii/Apriyani Rahayu.

Playing at Musashino Forest Sports Plaza against Chinese pair Chen Qingchen/Jia Yifan, Greysia Polii/Apriyani Rahayu won with a score of 21-19 and 21-15.

Previously, Indonesia won three medals from weightlifting. For example, Windy Cantika Aisah (Bronze – 49 kg/female), Eko Yuli Irawan (Silver, 61 kg/male) and Rahmat Erwin Abdullah (Bronze – 73 kg/male).

READ ALSO: Breaking News: Destroy Kevin Cordon, Anthony Ginting Wins Bronze Medal Tokyo 2020 Olympics

Currently, the Indonesian contingent occupies the 34th position in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic medal standings. Compared to other Southeast Asian (ASEAN) countries, Indonesia is superior.

The closest ASEAN countries are the Philippines and Thailand who occupy the 50th position. Both of them won one gold medal.

Hidilyn Diaz

(Hidylin Diaz, the only Filipino athlete to contribute a medal at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. (Photo: REUTERS)

What about the occupants of the first position in the standings? China tops the ladder with 28 gold, 16 silver and 15 bronze.

Furthermore, the second position was filled by the United States contingent with 21 gold, 24 silver and 16 bronze. Down to third place is Japan with 17 gold, six silver and 10 bronze.

Then, in fourth place is Australia with 14 gold, four silver and 14 bronze. Completing the top five was Russia with 12 gold, 21 silver and 17 bronze.

The following is the provisional standings for the medals for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Monday, August 2, 2021 at 19.00 WIB:

Medal Earnings Standings

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