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Telethon 2022, scheduled for December, is already being prepared in Côte-d’Or

The Telethon is in a month and a half, but the preparation is now! In Côte-d’Or, we are in the middle in organizing this 36th edition to be held on 2 and 3 December. The department is highlighted this year thanks to the city of Dijon, chosen as one of the four ambassador cities. We are not unemployed even on the Saint-Rémy side, near Montbard, because the city has been designated “Telethon village” of the Côte-d’Or. The program also begins to take shape, with in particular the announcement of a concert by Eve Angeli for the occasion.

Saint-Rémy, “Telethon Village”

The Côte-d’Orienne branch of Téléthon crowned the city of Saint-Rémy, village of Téléthon 2022 in the department. An award awarded each year to the municipality that is most committed to the movement. “We chose this village because there is a team of volunteers who have been very involved for a long time, who really have a very strong motivation and allows us to say thank youexplains Aurore Mercey, departmental coordinator of the Telethon in Côte-d’Or. They are told not to change their schedule, to stick to what they usually do. But suddenly, the challenge causes teams and volunteers to want to do a little more because they are a Telethon village.


This title of “Telethon Village” is a real sign of support for volunteers. “Some appear to have bright eyes as well tears flowed down their faces because it is somewhere an acknowledgment of this distinctionsays Aurore Mercey. It is another atmosphere that will be set up. It is truly a human wealth, a truly incredible adventure to experience.

First events announced

One of the events of this Côte-d’Orien is Telethon the arrival of singer Eva Angeli. On 2 December she will give a concert at the Pantographe in Venarey-les-Laumes. For the rest of the program, a great meal in Saint-Rémy, culinary challenges in the city center of Dijon and entertainment at the Olympic swimming pool.

In Dijon, this year’s Telethon city ambassador will see the set of France Télévisions set in the city center for 30 hours live. The whole program is not yet fully defined, the organizers are also waiting for the associations that are taking a little longer to prepare.

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