Home » today » Business » Tax return for a pensioner. These people can get extra money [lista – 29.03]

Tax return for a pensioner. These people can get extra money [lista – 29.03]

The Tax Office calculates income tax on the amount obtained. It may happen that the funds deposited are higher than the actual amount to be paid. Then the Tax Office is obliged to pay the taxpayer the difference. See who can get your money back.

Whether a pensioner has underpayment or overpayment of tax can be checked in PIT-40, which he received from ZUS in February. As a rule, the differences between the tax due and the tax paid by ZUS are minimal, one zloty or a few zlotys.

But there are also those who have overpayments of several dozen or even several hundred zlotys. It all depends on what income they achieved in 2020.

Full tax refund are due to pensioners whose income did not exceed PLN 8,000 per year. Partial payment of the benefit will be granted to those whose annual earnings did not exceed PLN 13,000.

ZUS will not settle the tax overpayment. Retirees have to arrange for the refund themselves

Until now, if there was an overpayment or underpayment of PIT, ZUS settled it. In the event of underpayment, in the March or April provision, the Plant he deducted a few zlotys of unpaid tax and transferred them to the tax officeand in the event of an overpayment – he added the overpaid amount to the old-age or disability pension. It happened even in the case of pensioners who received only a benefit from ZUS throughout the year that at the end of the year “popped up” a few zlotys of underpayment or overpayment of this tax.

This year, the Department will not do that anymore, because the regulations have changed to the disadvantage of retirees and pensioners. Now ZUS will only settle the tax underpayment, i.e. deduct it from the March or April benefit and transfer it to the tax office. But he will not repay the overpaid tax.

In the event of an overpayment of tax the pensioner will get PIT 11A from the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) and must settle the accounts himself. Sometimes these amounts are just a few zlotys, but with ever higher prices and low benefits, every zloty is important. It is not so bad if the pensioner has a bank account. However, many older people do not have it.

How to recover the overpayment in this situation? – we asked in the Tax Administration Chamber in Bydgoszcz. Bartosz Stróżyński, its spokesman, explained that the overpayment is refunded in two ways:

  • or to the account indicated by the taxpayer
  • or by postal order (then the costs of return are deducted)
  • you can also request a refund at the cash desk of the tax office.

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