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TarisLand is World of Warcraft for smartphones from Tencent

TarisLand – mobile and PC MMORPGthe setting of which is very much reminiscent of World of Warcraft: white-haired mage girl, raids for 10 people and an interface that is almost peeped from creation Blizzard.

There is no release date for TarisLand yet, while from January 12 to January 14, a short CBT was held with merged gameplay. I am glad that at least in the PC version there will be no auto-battle. As in World of Warcraft, epic music plays in raids, the fight takes place against a huge dragon, and the players are divided into different roles: tank, healer and damage dealer. To survive the long fight, they have to dodge AoE attacks.

Despite the fact that TarisLand is run by a Chinese company, Tencent promises a balanced PvP mode and a story campaign. The game already has cut-scenes with Chinese voice acting. We cannot confirm a global release yet.

TarisLand players are promised a free choice of race, class and even abilities. According to the plot, they will fall into a world engulfed in war. It will have several continents, perhaps with updates there will be more of them, as in the same Genshin Impact.

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