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Tamaulipas today breathes freedom and looks to the future with hope: Américo Villarreal

Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas.- Tamaulipas today breathes freedom and looks towards the future with hope, affirmed Governor Américo Villarreal Anaya, by complying with what is established by the Political Constitution of Tamaulipas and delivering to Congress the document that accounts for the state that saves the State Public Administration.

“After five months of work, I can inform you that the transformation is underway and consolidates by popular mandate, its irreversible character.”

In a public and solemn session held at the Legislative Palace, the governor accompanied by his wife, the president of DIF Tamaulipas, María de Villarreal, highlighted that in the First Government Report, he makes specific reference to the actions and decisions taken to return to the people of Tamaulipas certainty, legality and a government that truly serves their interests.

“The people have become aware of our moment, and what today defines Tamaulipas are our works, our values, our results and above all, defines us the great horizon of the future that we have going forward,” he said.

The document, he said, informs the deputies of the sixty-fifth legislature and Tamaulipas society about the first results of a government with a humanist vision.

Villarreal Anaya emphasized the restoration of bridges and synergies with the Federal Government, which multiplies the benefits that come to Tamaulipas, as well as the new relationship of understanding with the 43 municipalities, creating a new cooperation model through the six regional plans of support.

“State and Federation complete efforts and serve with the same principles of not stealing, not lying and not betraying the people. Authentically and with all my heart, I affirm that Tamaulipas has the President of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador as its best ally.”

He stressed that aware of his responsibility, progress is being made in the objective of achieving peace and security, as confirmed by a substantial drop in the indicators of the commission of crimes.

“My thanks for the support provided by you for the creation of the State Guard, which has been decisive in cleaning up the old corporation that was penetrated by corruption and that had an indefensible performance,” he said in front of legislators.

In the presence of the deputy president of the Board of Directors, Isidro Jesús Vargas Fernández, and the president of the Supreme Court of Justice and the Judicial Council, David Cerda Zúñiga, Governor Villarreal Anaya cited some of the actions that are underway to promote economic development, strengthening customs leadership and international trade, improving rural development and public education and, as an important point, the transformation of the health system, through a unique model for well-being.

Villarreal Anaya said that as an act of social justice and consistency with the humanist vision, preference has been given in actions and programs to the poorest.

“The item with the highest growth in this year’s budget is the one destined for people, for investment that goes directly to welfare and social justice.”

The governor of Tamaulipas asked the members of the Legislative and Judicial Branch to collaborate in the transformation and emphasized that it is the people of Tamaulipas who must be held accountable for performance, conduct, and results.

At the end of this protocol event, the governor of Tamaulipas Américo Villarreal, accompanied by special guests, went to the Polyforum, where he delivered a message to the people of Tamaulipas.

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