The second half begins without goals between Deportes Limache and D. La Serena – 2024-04-30 01:43:48

The second half begins without goals between Deportes Limache and D. La Serena 
 – 2024-04-30 01:43:48

Dep. Limache and La Serena are on the playing field for the complementary stage. The score is 0 to 0 at the Nicolás Chahuán Nazar Municipal stadium. While the visitors are ecstatic about their victory the previous day, the home team has just drawn their last game in the tournament and a game full of … Read more

D. La Serena needs to add 3 points to stay on top – 2024-04-29 09:52:45

D. La Serena needs to add 3 points to stay on top
 – 2024-04-29 09:52:45

D. La Serena needs to add 3 points at a time to stay on top #Serena #add #points #stay #top