Child Prodigy Zhang Xinyang: From PhD at 16 to Financial Dependency at 28

Child Prodigy Zhang Xinyang: From PhD at 16 to Financial Dependency at 28

Jakarta – Once praised and considered a ‘child prodigy’ in China for getting a PhD at the age of 16, Zhang Xinyang now seems to have no ambition. Considering his achievements, maybe you think that a child like Zhan Xinyang will achieve success in the future. Apparently, that didn’t happen, at least until he was … Read more

20 Foods for Young Pregnant Women to Give Birth to Smart Children

Jakarta – Every parent must have a desire for their child to grow up smart. It’s no wonder that many prospective parents begin to prepare for pregnancy carefully so they can give birth to smart children. One thing that is worth trying is consuming certain foods that are believed to make children smart, Mother. Some … Read more