Like the original, AC Milan KW is also gasping in the Italian League

TWITTER.COM/FOOTYACCUMS – Mario Balotelli (L) celebrates his goal with Kevin-Prince Boateng for Monza. – <!– –> BOLASPORT.COM – With competitions B series Italian League only 5 matches left, AC Monza which is known as AC Milan KW appeared gasping. AC Monza referred to as AC Milan KW because it is owned by the former president … Read more

“Remember their kiss on the boat?”. Today … – Libero Quotidiano

It would already be over in Francesca Pascale e Paola Turci. The surprise flirt that ignited last summer would therefore last a few months. Silvio Berlusconi’s former partner and the Roman singer had been pinched by the weekly Today on a boat in very intimate attitudes. Their relationship went on in absolute secrecy, away from … Read more

No Longer Unemployed, Balotelli Officially Joins Monza

Monza – Mario Balotelli now no longer a player without a club. He has officially joined the Italian Serie B club, AC Monza. The news was announced by the club’s official website on Monday (7/12/2020) local time. Balotelli is contracted until the end of the 2020/21 season. “To strengthen the team, Monza brought in Mario … Read more

“Those who no longer feel part of Forza Italia can leave” – ​​Libero Quotidiano

Silvio Berlusconi continues to be the hottest political topic of the last few hours, even if its fracture with Matteo Salvini she already seems to have returned after a clarifying phone call. According to what reported by The messenger, however, new details have emerged on the summit that the Cav held on the evening of … Read more

“We evaluate carefully”, “It does not exist”. Brawl between Pd and M5s – Libero Quotidiano

The government thinks about earthquake Silvio Berlusconi, with its opening on the maneuver. Ready to cooperate, even without wanting to enter the government. In fact, in the evening, the answer of Andrea Orlando, vice president of the Democratic Party: “We will carefully evaluate the proposals made today by Forza Italia”. In short, a clear convergence. … Read more

Luigi Berlusconi, wedding in Milan with Federica Fumagalli

Today he gets married in Milan in a strictly private form, in church Luigi Berlusconi, the youngest son of the former premier. Silvio Berlusconi will not be present because he is awaiting the outcome of the second buffer: Tuesday’s was negative. If the second turns out to be so, Berlusconi will participate in the wedding … Read more

Berlusconi, birthday with Covid: “My worst party”

“Let’s say so, not one of my best birthdays», He replied to his closest friends and family, as if he wanted to keep them away from the umpteenth worry about his emotional state and health, which in recent times go hand in hand. With others, especially among the long-term Forza Italia parliamentarians, those with whom … Read more

Coronavirus, Silvio Berlusconi resigned: “It was the most dangerous test of my life”

14 September 2020 12:29 Leaving the hospital after 11 days of hospitalization, the leader of Forza Italia added: “Once again I escaped beautifully”. Then the appeal: “Respect the health rules, Italy cannot stand still” “Each of us is exposed to the risk of infecting others, I renew to everyone the appeal to maximum personal and … Read more

Silvio Berlusconi and Covid: the former premier resigned today from San Raffaele

Silvio Berlusconi will be discharged today, around 11.30, from the San Raffaele in Milan where he had been hospitalized since the night of Thursday 3 September after having tested positive for the Covid-Sars2 test. The former prime minister will remain in isolation, according to what theAnsa, probably in his residence in Arcore, until he has … Read more