Russian Soyuz spacecraft successfully takes off, with three astronauts on board

Russian Soyuz spacecraft successfully takes off, with three astronauts on board

Moscow. A Russian Soyuz rocket carrying three astronauts took flight towards the International Space Station this Saturday, two days after the mission was aborted at the last minute. The spacecraft departed safely from the Baikonur launch center in Kazakhstan, carrying NASA astronaut Tracy Dyson on board; Oleg Novitsky, from Roscosmos, and the Belarusian Marina Vasilevskaya. … Read more

Three new crew members arrive at the International Space Station

Three new crew members arrive at the International Space Station

Madrid. The ship Soyuz MS-25 arrived at 16:03 UTC on March 25 at the International Space Station, with astronaut Tracy C. Dyson, Russian cosmonaut Oleg Novitskiy and Belarusian Marina Vasilevskaya. This mission departed on Saturday, March 23, from the Baykonur base in Kazakhstan, two days after its initial takeoff was aborted by an automatic procedure … Read more

The takeoff of the Russian Soyuz spacecraft is canceled at the last minute

The takeoff of the Russian Soyuz spacecraft is canceled at the last minute

Moscow. The takeoff of a Russian Soyuz MS-25 spacecraft, with three crew members and bound for the International Space Station (ISS), was canceled this Thursday on the edgeannounced the Russian space agency Roscosmos. This is a new setback for the Russian space sector, which has been suffering for years from funding problems, corruption scandals and … Read more