List of 14 Indonesian Areas Threatened by Earthquakes and Tsunamis, BMKG: Not Only Java Island

List of 14 Indonesian Areas Threatened by Earthquakes and Tsunamis, BMKG: Not Only Java Island

LEFT CIRCLE – Lately society has been rocked about research that reveals potency earthquake accompanied tsunami will happen in the south Java Island. The reason research This was carried out by experts from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) also involving the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG). Result research shows that, potency earthquake Earth … Read more

Relieving 5000 Female Mosquitoes Suction Blood on Her Hands, This Australian Scientist Presses The Spread Of The Virus

Relieving 5000 Female Mosquitoes Suction Blood on Her Hands, This Australian Scientist Presses The Spread Of The Virus

PR PANGANDARAN – Entomologist from University of Melbourne allow thousands mosquito biting his arm regularly for a research related to the eradication of dengue fever. Dr. Perran Stott-Ross has been involved in research mosquito at the University of Melbourne for many years, is now trying to find effective ways to curb the spread of the … Read more

Characteristics of Weak Heart Disease and Causes Page all

Characteristics of Weak Heart Disease and Causes Page all – Disease weak heart is a disorder of the heart muscle that makes this vital organ weak. Weak heart disease causes the pumping of blood throughout the body cannot be optimal. If left without proper medical treatment, a weak heart can cause an irregular heartbeat, heart failure, and heart valve problems. One type of … Read more

Recognize Causes of Liver Disease and Risk Factors Page all

Recognize Causes of Liver Disease and Risk Factors Page all – Disorders of the liver or liver can cause serious health problems. Launch Healthline, liver or plural known as liver is vital organs that function to digest food, process energy for the body, to filter out toxic substances from the blood. With this vital role, the liver is inevitably the hardest working organ in … Read more

10 Early Symptoms of Heart Disease in Women Who Cannot Be Neglected

10 Early Symptoms of Heart Disease in Women Who Cannot Be Neglected – Heart disease is the name for several abnormal conditions in the heart and blood vessels. These conditions include: Coronary artery disease or blockage of the blood vessels around the heart Peripheral artery disease or blockage of the blood vessels in the arms or legs Problems with heart rhythm or arrhythmia Problems with the … Read more

RESEARCH UPDATE COVID-19: Researchers Say There Are People Who May Be immune from Covid-19

RESEARCH UPDATE COVID-19: Researchers Say There Are People Who May Be immune from Covid-19– Development research covid-19 continues to emerge. The reason is that since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, this has spread in the world since last December 2019, researchers have not stopped doing research. Reporting from DIY news, an origin professor Brazil find research latest on the spread of Corona virus. Result research this was … Read more

6 Exercises to Lower High Cholesterol

6 Exercises to Lower High Cholesterol – Routine exercise is one of them how to lower cholesterol naturally high. Taking cholesterol-lowering drugs without being accompanied by a healthy lifestyle cannot guarantee controlled cholesterol levels. Launch WebMD, exercise can maintain ideal body weight. Excess weight makes bad cholesterol (LDL) levels in the blood soar. Also read: 8 Fruits That Can Lower … Read more

Causes of Brain Tumors and Risk Factors Page all

Causes of Brain Tumors and Risk Factors Page all – Brain tumor is the appearance of cells that grow abnormally in the brain. Once there is abnormal cell growth, sufferers can feel symptoms brain tumor such as headaches, nausea, vomiting, confusion, to sensory disturbances. So, what exactly causes of brain tumors can some people suffer? Also read: 8 Early Symptoms of Brain Tumors … Read more

Causes of Brain Tumors and Risk Factors

Causes of Brain Tumors and Risk Factors – Brain tumor is the appearance of cells that grow abnormally in the brain. Once there is abnormal cell growth, sufferers can feel symptoms brain tumor such as headaches, nausea, vomiting, confusion, to sensory disturbances. So, what exactly causes of brain tumors can some people suffer? Also read: 8 Early Symptoms of Brain Tumors … Read more