This is the appearance of a giant elephant that lived 125,000 years ago, 4 meters high and 4 tons in weight

The giant elephant species that lived about 125,000 years ago was twice as large as the African elephants that still exist today. Photo/Science Alert/MONREPOS Archaeological Research Center BERLIN – Species elephant giants that lived about 125,000 years ago were twice as large as African elephants that still exist today. Giant elephant known as the now-extinct … Read more

Believe it or not, Neanderthals once lived in Princess Diana’s house

LONDON – The late Princess Diana and Neanderthal early humans indeed time apart up to 40,000 years. But an archaeological dig has found evidence that Neanderthals once lived in Princess Diana’s childhood home. An archaeological dig at Althorp, where the late Diana Spencer grew up, the team found an ancient trash heap containing 40,000-year-old ornamental … Read more

The Cave Where the Last Neanderthal Man Was Found, Its Contents Shocking

GIBRALTAR – Archaeologist discovered a secret cave chamber in Gibraltar that was covered in sand for about 40,000 years. Scientists estimate this is the last secret cave chamber where Neanderthals lived. “Given that the sand that seals the chamber is 40,000 years old, the cave must be older, possibly where Neanderthals lived in Eurasia from … Read more

Ancient Human Fossils in Israel Believed to be Neanderthal Ancestors

RAMLA – A number of archaeologists carrying out excavations near the city of Ramla, Israel found skulls primordial man different from the previous type. These early humans coexisted with homosapiens or modern humans about 100,000 years ago. The newly discovered ancient human fossil consists of the skull and jaw of an individual who lived between … Read more