Hualien 403 Strong Earthquake: Causes, Impacts, and Analysis

Hualien 403 Strong Earthquake: Causes, Impacts, and Analysis

Hualien 403 Strong Earthquake (Photo/Provided by Hualien County Government) [周刊王CTWANT] The scale of the Hualien 403 earthquake was stronger than the 918 Chishang earthquake in 2022, but there was no ground rupture. In this regard, Wang Yu, an associate professor in the Department of Geological Sciences at the National Taiwan University, pointed out that the … Read more

National Taiwan University Alumni Show Support for DPP Legislative Candidate at Huangjie Station

National Taiwan University Alumni Show Support for DPP Legislative Candidate at Huangjie Station

2024/01/09 15:08 The male and female and the eldest sister of National Taiwan University stood at the intersection of Huangjie Station to vote, and the three young leaders of Chen Qimai’s team sent blessings. (Provided by Mr. Huang Jiejing) [Reporter Huang Liangjie/Kaohsiung Report]Huang Jie, the DPP legislative candidate for the 6th district of Kaohsiung City, … Read more

Taiwan University of Science and Technology Defeats National Taiwan University 74-37 in “Keelung Road Battle”

Taiwan University of Science and Technology Defeats National Taiwan University 74-37 in “Keelung Road Battle”

▲Taike Ai Yujie had 14 points and 9 rebounds. (Photo/Provided by the University Sports Association) [NOWnews今日新聞] It started 15:0 and only allowed 2 points to its traditional rival National Taiwan University in the “Keelung Road Battle” in the first quarter. Taiwan University of Science and Technology was still unrelenting in the fourth quarter and only … Read more