Arriving at Ancient River Delta, Perseverance Will Dredge Fossils of Life on Planet Mars

JAKARTA – After a long journey, NASA’s rover Perseverance has finally arrived safely at the remnants of the ancient Mars delta river on the floor of the 28-mile-wide (45-kilometer) Jezero Crater. The Perseverance team on Earth say the location of the delta will be a true geological search ground for the robot, which is hunting … Read more

NASA Identify Ancient Carbon Cycle on Mars

The carbon cycle could be a sign that life may have existed on Mars. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PENNSYLVANIA — Rover Mars belonging to the American Space Agency (NASA) Curiosity, may have discovered the building blocks of life on Mars. Known, This rover has been exploring Mars to investigate Mars’ past. Research has found that the rock collected … Read more

Going to Mars Could Make Astronauts Severely Anemia

Astronauts are at risk of severe anemia if they go into space. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, OTTAWA — Humans are planning to travel to Mars. However, according to new research, this journey will be especially challenging because space travel destroys red blood cells. Researchers say even space tourists lining up for short trips may have to stay home … Read more

Scientists speculate life may have appeared earlier on Mars than on Earth

ILLUSTRATION. Wheel tread marks are seen on the ground at Jezero Crater on Mars, as NASA’s Mars rover Perseverance walks on the Martian surface for the first time, Thursday (4/3/2021). Reporter: I knew Laoli | Editor: I knew Laoli KONTAN.CO.ID – The mystery of the Planet Mars is slowly being revealed. A leading international research … Read more

NASA’s Perseverance rover reaches 100th day on Mars

Perseverance and its small helicopter Ingenuity landed on Mars on February 18. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WASHINGTON — The American Space Agency (NASA) rover Perseverance and its small helicopter Ingenuity landed together inside Mars’ Jezero Crater on February 18. That means June 1 is Mars’ 100th day, or “sol” for the robotic duo (one sol lasts about 24 … Read more

NASA Prepares Ingenuity Helicopters to Fly on Mars

Ingenuity will have to finish some preparations over the coming weeks. IHRAM.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The United States Space Agency (NASA) is preparing Ingenuity Helicopters to fly on Mars on April 8. Before the flight takes place, Ingenuity is required to complete some preparations over the next few weeks. This is to test the ability of … Read more

Ingenuity, The First Helicopter To Fly Beyond Earth

Ingenuity manages to fly on Mars. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, FLORIDA – A small helicopter above NASA’s Perseverance rover robot can finally see the Red Planet for the first time. A helicopter weighing 1.8 kg named Ingenuity it travels to Mars by sticking to the belly of Perseverance. Over the weekend, Perseverance drops the shield of debris protecting … Read more

The story of the Mars landings: why are humans so interested in Mars?

Many fictional stories are inspired by the planet Mars, for example my favorite martian, dc comic martian manhunter, to films like the martian. Kevin Lewis, who is an assistant professor in the field of earth and planetary science, at John Hopkins University explained that human interest in Mars is the same as human interest in … Read more