New Study Reveals the Effects of Social Media on Mental Health

New Study Reveals the Effects of Social Media on Mental Health

`; function initEngagently() { engagently.Configuration({ communityId: ‘nw9Ljb87d2’, defaultLanguage: ‘de’, translations: { de: { interpolation: { ‘messages’: ‘link‘ }, messages: { “log-in-to-comment”: “Melden Sie sich bitte an um zu kommentieren “, “discussion-preamble”: welcomeMessageHTML } } }, events: { onSetup: function (data){ let loader_container = document.querySelector(‘.loader-container’); loader_container.classList.add(‘nw-hidden’); loader_container.setAttribute(‘data-setup’, ‘1’) } } }); } function renderEngagentlyDiscussion(event) { if … Read more

AWO OWL Submits Application for Self-Administration Insolvency Proceedings

AWO OWL Submits Application for Self-Administration Insolvency Proceedings

The AWO OWL submitted an application for self-administration proceedings on Wednesday. The employees have been informed about the current situation. Stefan Becker Oct 4, 2023 | Updated 57 minutes ago Bielefeld. The financial restructuring of the ailing Workers’ Welfare District Association of Ostwestfalen-Lippe eV (AWO-OWL) is entering the decisive phase: In order to avert the … Read more