The weather is stable up to this date

Source: National information agency The Meteorology Department of the General Directorate of Civil Aviation expects partly cloudy to cloudy weather tomorrow with decreasing temperatures with fog at high altitudes, and the weather is set for local light rains along the coast. The following bulletin read: – The general situation: Stable autumn weather dominates the eastern … Read more

Running to buy safes.. Lebanese houses “a safe alternative to banks”

Source: News from the sky I wrote Ikram Saab in Sky News Arabia website: Since the beginning of the crisis that hit the banking sector in Lebanon, and caused a lack of liquidity in banks and no guarantee for depositors in September 2019, the Lebanese have been rushing to save their deposits from melting down, … Read more

The departure of the great Romeo Lahoud on Independence Day

The great Lebanese artist Romeo Lahoud passed away this morning at the age of 92. His nephew and the late artist’s son, Alan Mereb, actor Essam Mereb mourned him on social media. his career Romeo Lahoud started his art career after his return from abroad, then Baalbek International Festivals Committee opened its doors to him … Read more

Berri: The opportunity is available to reach consensus and elect a president made in Lebanon

Source: Republic Today’s session, like all previous failed sessions, confirms that the presidential wheel will remain empty with its “proposal”, as long as the deviation from the obligatory step for the election of the President of the Republic continues, which President Nabih Berri reiterated through the “Republic”, which is “the political consensus, without which it … Read more

After the bombings… and the Lebanese in Istanbul?

The consul of Lebanon in Istanbul, Mazen Kabbara, revealed that up to now there are no Lebanese at the site of the terrorist explosion, and “we are waiting and following moment by moment”.Also, the artist, Saad Ramadan, posted a photo of himself with his family from Istiklal Street in Istanbul where he was having lunch … Read more

Gemayel, in response to Nasrallah’s words: He wants the presidential vacuum to continue, and his condition that the president’s criterion protect the backs of the resistance is unacceptable.

The head of the Phalanx Party, the representative Sami Gemayel, commented on the words of the general secretary of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, and wrote in a tweet on Twitter: “From the words of the general secretary of Hezbollah today it appears that he wants the vacuum presidential election is prolonged, as it requires the … Read more

Video – “Marbouha” … a new song by “Latifa” that accompanies the World Cup

In his own way, the artist, Latifa, wowed the Arab audience with his new song “Marbouha”, which encourages Arab teams to participate in the Doha World Cup. The song was filmed as a video clip and Latifa sent a message attached to a promotional video clip for the song and wrote: “Profitable, and God willing, … Read more

The Taif Conference opens the doors of the agreement to a presidential candidate … Bassil separates himself from the party in the choice of the candidate

Source: Principal The echoes of the Taif Forum held at UNESCO, on the occasion of the 33 years since the signing of the Taif Agreement in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, remained, both with national, multiple participation, and with speeches and words that reflected the urgency to adhere to the constitution that emerged from it, … Read more

Video – Studio Time has turned into a wrestling arena … A problem spreads outside and gunshots can be heard

In an unusual development in the land of freedoms, a discussion that is supposed to be civil and democratic has developed into a program that has turned time into a battle and a clash of hands. In detail, and during the episode in which journalist Mersal Ghanem hosted the representatives: Charbel Maroun, Wadah Al-Sadiq, Ali … Read more

Bassil pushes himself into the void … Mikati clings to his scourge and Hezbollah is in no hurry to settle

SourceLondon Arabs The severity of the political differences over the completion of the constitutional benefits (the prime minister and the presidency) indicates that Lebanon has entered a period of institutional vacuum, just days before the end of the term of President Michel Aoun, and in the light of a provisional government which appears to be … Read more