Trials of politicians accused of corruption advance within the US

Trials of politicians accused of corruption advance within the US

NY. Only a few blocks from the place the trial of former Republican President Donald Trump is going down for falsifying marketing campaign bills after being convicted of monetary fraud, one other trial begins towards Democratic Senator Robert Menéndez for appearing as an agent of international pursuits in alternate for bribes, and in Texas the … Read more

US congressman accused of receiving bribes from Mexican bank

US congressman accused of receiving bribes from Mexican bank

The Texan congressman, Henry Cuellar, along with his wife, Imelda Cuellar, were accused by the United States government of receiving bribes from a Mexican bank to favor it in the financial regulation of that country, the Department of Justice reported this Friday. In the lawsuit, the US government does not identify by name the Mexican … Read more

Banco Azteca operates with honesty, says after accusations against US congressman

Banco Azteca operates with honesty, says after accusations against US congressman

Mexico City. Banco Azteca operates with “ethics, honesty and deep commitment,” the financial institution said after it was revealed that Texas Congressman Henry Cuellar and his wife, Imelda Cuellar, were accused by the United States government of receiving bribes from a financial institution. Mexican. Through a message on its social network account We want to … Read more